Re: [HCDX]: Anyone in Atmore AL who can help?
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Re: [HCDX]: Anyone in Atmore AL who can help?
> I clearly heard, and taped, WPHG Atmore AL at 2142EST on 1-31,
> w/full id and a seemingly abrupt s/off. Got an email
> f/Robert Kramer this AM that stn today, 2-1-98 went to regular
> sked. This is also posted on his web page. Hope this helps
> clear up this mess! I wonder if the 1590 is still on? Seems
> spacing (1590 & 1620) is too close to run both!
> 73s,
> John
> John J. Rieger
> South Milwaukee, WI
> So can anyone tell us if WGYJ-1590 is also still on the air? John
> didn't cast a request to the lists as I suggested, so I'm asking.
Per Pat Martin of Seaside, Oregon who spoke with someone at the
station, they have been off of 1590 for some time in anticipation of
going on 1620.
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