[HCDX]: Unfair DX ???
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[HCDX]: Unfair DX ???
From: Karel Honzik Date: 09 FEB 1998 (Monday)
Plzen, CZECH REPUBLIC (Czechia), Europe
** As the Sun sinks slowly in the west, it is time for another DX session **
Hello fellow DXers,
maybe it is time for another discussion within our HCDX "society".
I came to this idea after I met my friend (a DXer too) with whom
I shared my experiences from a MW DXpedition to Blokhus, Denmark where
I spent two weeks with my friends from Germany.
I told my friend about excellent conditions at the end of December
and I said that it was a pity that we had not more receivers and tape
recorders to tape more stations than we could catch by simple tuning
up and down the AM band.
My friend was listening for a while and then he said:
"But it is not fair! Would you really be pleased of such stations that
a machine recorded for you and you just came later and picked them up
from the tape? I do not know if I would display QSL cards of such stations
to other DXers saying - look what stations I catched on a DXpedition.
I think the only fair way is to discover the station, to choose the
right antenna, to get rid of noise and QRM by choosing the USB or LSB etc.
Then comes the real joy that I managed (by my own means) to do the
whole process untill the final identification and writing down of the
programme details".
That is what my friend said. I tried to explain that it is almost
a regular praxis that DXers bring tapes from DXpeditions for further
studies, I tried to show an example of people collecting for example
beetles - they also did not catch all their beetles with their own hands,
they laid traps and came a day later to see what is inside...
But my examples did not help to change my friend:s mind...
What do you say - you DXpeditionists who bring home 100 or 200 hours
of recorded "mess"; what do you say - you DXers who let your machines
"DX" for you while you are in work or outside with your girlfriend :-)
I know that, for example, in Scandinavia (Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark)
they have quite strict rules concerning new stations, new countries etc.
Do the rules say also something about the above mentioned matter of
discussion between me and my DX-friend?
Personally, I understand all those who take a box with cassettes with them
to the DXP site and later go home with many hours of never heard recordings.
One or two weeks on a DXP is a very short time, especially when it is
only once per year. The tapes help to make the expedition much longer,
they help to bring the DXP atmosphere into your DX shack for the following
weeks or even months. And it is not a bad feeling, is it?
Thanks + GOOD DX,
- de Karel.
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