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They  ever come back!

Yes, it is true. I remember the time when I started with DXing in the mid 
70's I read in a magazine - source unknown - about DXing while you sleep. 
If you have a wheel-to-wheel stereo recording machine you need two things:
a time-signal station and the radiostation you want to observe. Put the
TS on one channel of your recording machine and the radiostation on 
the other channel. Oh ... I forgot, you also need a clock to switch on this 
equipment just on time. 

After your morning breakfast you can listen to the reception this machine 
made. But you have to write your reports by yourself. 

It is my opinion: this method is not REAL DXing. REAL DXing that means 
you sit in front of your receiver with headphones, lots of papers - may be
observations from friends or only for your details - and a big pot of coffee
or tea, as you please. Also with some friends about you. And ... of course a
tape/cassette recorder. That is right for a better identification later on. Or
more programme details. Not only especially for DX-Camps. But you sit in
front of your equipment more or less alíve 8-)))

If you order the machines to do your hobby ... that is un-FAIR DXing
and you are an un-FAIR DXer. 

With the best wishes to all FAIR DXer I remain
Klaus/DL 3 EAY

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