[HCDX]: Glenn Hauser's SW/DX 98-15, March 29
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[HCDX]: Glenn Hauser's SW/DX 98-15, March 29
COSTA RICA. RFPI's 21465 was revived around 2300 UT Sat March
28, after James Latham and co. spent a day in the hot tropical
sun mounting the new antenna atop a 120-foot tower. I first
heard it at 0020 March 29, and reception actually improved to
a peak about half an hour later, then faded around 0110. 15050
had to be off Saturday because of the tower work, but should be
back Sunday or Monday with its own new antenna atop a 200-foot
tower with 12 dB gain yagi. We actually measured it on 21463.7,
and James says that's the only crystal on hand at present, but
just as well to be a bit further away from BBC on 21470, which
is stronger in CR than OK, as it is from Cyprus to E&SAf 1400-
1700. Says the 10 kW on 21 was running only 5 kW, but ERP adds
up to 60-80 kW, aimed due north. Should be back on early Sunday
from about 1400. Meanwhile, addled by the sun, RFPI started COM
and WOR an hour early Saturday night, but got back on track by
playing them again at the proper hours. Later: it was on by Sun
at 1347 check; but propagation below normal. Better at 1908
check when measured around 21465.6, same crystal varying?
(Glenn Hauser, OK)
U K O G B A N I. Further info gleaned from MediaZoo via the
Merlin special on Saturday. Echoing some earlier vague reports,
they were talking about putting MZ on SW, weekly; its normal
live airtime is 8-10 pm Wed UK Time, i.e. now shifted to 1900-
2100 UT. Also were planning something special the following Wed
April 8 at 1700-1900 on SW to Europe. 21550 faded out around
1700 here tho it continued till 1900. After 2000, Merlin was
again audible on 9705 only, but mixed with XERMX and its 50 Hz
offset rumble. Despite proximity, XERMX was underneath Merlin,
another example of how poor a signal XERMX has. If there was
any news in the final sesquihour when L&C on 9525, 11680, it's
on a tape I'll eventually listen to (Glenn Hauser, OK)
U S A. Want to buy Bethany? This has been appearing in the U.S.
Real Estate Sales List 1/2 and 3/4 1998, a brochure from the USG
Consumer Information Center, Pueblo CO 81002:
OHIO Union Township - Former Voice of America transmission site,
75 acres, Tylersville Road and Cox Road. Mixed use/commercial.
Sealed bid. Call sales office for more information. William Costa
1-800-755-1946 or (617) 565-5696. E-mail: william.costa@xxxxxxx
U S A. President Clinton announced on his trip to Africa that VOA
will be starting a new African service (Nora RAM, or is it ROM,
NPR Weekend Edition Sun news headline March 29) Er, I thought VOA
already had a well-developed African service... (Glenn Hauser) ###
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