[HCDX]: Glenn Hauser's SW/DX April 9
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[HCDX]: Glenn Hauser's SW/DX April 9

        GLENN HAUSER'S SHORTWAVE/DX REPORT 98-18, April 9, 1998

WORLD OF RADIO ON WWCR AS OF APRIL 9: Thu 2030 15685, Sat 0600
3210 and 5070, Sun 0630 5070, Mon 0400 5070, Tue 1230 15685. On
WGTG: Sat 2330 on 5085-USB. On RFPI: no changes, same UT (Hauser)

SWL net heckled; Maltese and Albanian programs on NY stations;
Latin American SW harmonics; HCJB in limbo; do-it-yourself QSL;
English from South Africa, Seychelles, Algeria, Albania; Merlin
frequencies; Iranian and Tibetan clandestines share website
provider in Maryland; and many of the stories below (Hauser)

BRAZIL [non]. Insomnia led me to run across "NTN--Novo Tempo e
Noticias," a national morning show with live time-checks in UT-3,
somewhat undermodulated and hum, until 0959 April 8 on 7375. Not 
overtly religious, but this had to be AWR Costa Rica, confirmed 
at 1000 when switched to Spanish bible story //5030, 6150, 9725,
which before 1000 had been noisy open-carriers-only. What is AWR
up to now, and where does this originate? (Glenn Hauser, OK)

CANADA. New on CBC Radio One and RCI == C'EST LA VIE 
An irreverent and revealing current affairs program on 
Francophone culture throughout Canada. Among its regular features 
will be a look at words that are uniquely Canadian French, 
providing a glimpse into their origin, evolution and present-day 
usage. C'EST LA VIE is a CBC English Radio Network production 
with contributions from the CBC French Networks.
This week on C'est la vie.. Toronto--a French speaking city?
Did you know that Stats Can says there are at least 100,000 
French speakers in the greater Toronto area? That makes Toronto a 
bigger French language city than most cities in Quebec. (CBC 
website via Hauser; this is on RCI Friday 2329 UT on 5960, 9755, 

ECUADOR. Thanks for your message. As an additional service for 
you listeners in the middle of the US, HCJB is now offering 
English programming on 15295 Khz with an antenna aimed more or 
less right in your direction (Enid, OK) at an azimuth of 339 
degrees from Pifo, Ecuador.  Although this won't be a big budget 
operation (around 35 KW or a little better), I believe you 
should be able to hear something between 0000 to 0700 hrs UTC.

The way our English to NA works is a little more complicated 
than it used to be.  The way it used to be was that there was no 
19 meters at all - just 9745 Khz.  The 9745 Khz used to go on at 
0000 UTC on a 100 KW transmitter using our steerable antenna 
aimed at 356 degrees azimuth (eastern NA from here).  Then, at 
0400 UTC, we swtiched to a curtain antenna aimed at 325 degrees 
(western NA) and that ran until 0700 UTC. At present, we've 
changed our 31 meter release to run at 250 KW with the same 
steerable antenna and heading from 0000 to 0130 hrs UTC, and then 
to switch over to 100 KW on the same steerable antenna and 
heading until 0400 hrs UTC - this gives us a little more power 
for the beginning part of our eastern NA English release that 
typically gets a lot of competition from the European 
broadcasters during the early evening.  At 0400 hrs UTC, the 
English then switches to the same curtain antenna we have 
traditionally used for the western NA (at 325 degrees) and that 
then continues to run until 0700 UTC as before. In addition to 
all of this, we have now added the 19 meter release on 15295 Khz. 
Kind Regards (Dave Lewis, HCJB frequency manager, April 3, via
WORLD OF RADIO 936)      

ETHIOPIA [non]. Rainbow Radio presumed on new 9855 via Germany,
UT Sat April 4 at quick 0150 check, as I am beginning to 
recognize Amharic, thanks to them, for weekly broadcast starting
at 0100, ex-5905, much better now away from fax (Glenn Hauser, OK)

ROMANIA. RRI continues facing heavy interference, English to NAm
at 0200: 5990 Spain in Spanish; 6155 RCI English [now off];
9510 vs 9505 WYFR English/RHC Spanish; 9570 has RDP Portugal with
RRI barely audible; 11940 vs NHK 11935 Japanese, and BBC English.
At 0400: 5990 RFI French; 6155 Austria German w/faint RRI; 9505
WYFR/RHC; 9570 fair with splatter from VOA Africa/English 9575;
11940 vs several on 11935 (Bob Thomas, CT, March 31, WORLD OF 
RADIO 936)

SERBIA. Radio Yugoslavia made their time change this past weekend.  
They were on Apr 6 0000-0030 7115 (announced as Monday-Saturday 
only).  They also announced 6195 in parallel but I did not hear 
them there. In addition, they announced they were on 0430-0500 on 
7130 & 6100, but I haven't verified them there. (As I recall, 
their summer 0430 broadcast has not been heard well). I also 
heard them Apr 5 2100-2130 on 6100 with poor to fair reception. 
(Ivan Grishin, Ont, Apr 6, WORLD OF RADIO 936) Probably will go
up to 11 MHz in May (Hauser)
U K O G B A N I. I listened to the Merlin Network One broadcast
of Media Zoo Wed April 8 at 1900-2100 on 13690 to NAm; //15590
to Europe, if on, was buried by KTBN which I should think would
have been a problem in Eu, too. The live show was as usual 
extremely informal, with only occasional ads for such as visit-
Calgary-this-summer. After Independent Radio News capsule at
1900, same as used by Sunrise Radio, Mediz Zoo opened with quick
worldwide weather info. Rather provincial for a show with such
ambition: broadcast job openings in the UK, discussion of DAB in
the UK, satellite programming, etc. BTW, after 2100, 11915 came
on, and it was 2-4 words ahead of 13690, indicating a multiple-
hop satellite delay on 13690--so where is it from?? It's about 
time Merlin gave us the full info on transmitter sites! Dave 
Kenny, can you find out? Also heard some R. Caroline in the 1700-
1900 period on 15200 for Europe; good here at first, but fading
toward the end (Glenn Hauser, OK, April 8)

U K O G B A N I. Glenn, Following your item I queried the number 
of BBCWS languages and this is the answer:

Dave: It is confusing! But the total includes those languages 
which are only available for rebroadcast, i.e. Macedonian, Greek, 
Slovene and Kirgiz. I think there should be a note at the top to 
that effect.  I'll mention it to Vicky Payne, editor of On Air
(Carol Forrester, Information Manager, Marketing & Communications,
BBC World Service via Dave Kenny, BBC Monitoring, April 3)

Frequency mistakes in BBC On Air April as previously listed here:
9895 is not listed at 1300-1600, just 0230-0330 from Delano as
usual; Falklands service Tue and Fri only at 2130-2145 is still
11680, not 11860, from UKOGBANI site (Glenn Hauser, from BBC WS 
frequency sked via Hans van der Boogert, Taiwan, DSWCI DX Window)
U S A. Hi, Glenn. We did it here at WGTG-- we are going hi tech!
Soon to have web page. Would you please advertise our e-mail
address? Our address is : wgtg@xxxxxxxxxxx
Our new transmitter is humming along in final assembly and test.
Rewiring studio at this time to accomodate two program lines. The
second transmitter may be under different call letters e.g. WFBN,
WXYZ, etc., whatever the group who might lease would like. We are
planning transmitters 3 and 4 in the near future also, additional
antennas perhaps a curtain. Well.....enough of your time!  Still
trying to find additional slot on 9400 for WOR. Regards to you!
(David Frantz, WGTG, April 2 via Hauser and WORLD OF RADIO 936)

U S A. Progress report on WWBS, Macon GA, not yet on 11910: 
Charles Josey told me April 6 that he hoped to have electricity
installed April 8; that has been the holdup. If so, testing
could start a "few weeks later". Once on, they may have some 
interference problems, such as something in Spanish noted at
0220 April 8 (George Thurman, TX, WORLD OF RADIO 936)

U S A. VOA Communications World, Sat at 1230-1300, finally 
switched from USB to LSB on 7768.5, as we have been requesting,
noted April 4, getting away from the AM Chinese station on 
7770. However, this date it wasn't needed as 9760-AM was loud
and clear from Philippines (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 936)

U S A. With so many stations NSP, one seldom hears the national 
anthem on the radio anymore--no signing on or off; and it's out 
of fashion even at many stations which are not NSP. Surprisingly
original renditions of SSB or O Canada sometimes introduce silly
ball games, but catching them is such a sacrifice for the
enlightened unaddicted. So note this: happened to hear KMOX, 1120
St. Louis playing a richly harmonious a cappella SSB at 5:23 am
Central April 3, perhaps a daily ritual? And at 5:54, it was
The Lord's Prayer with Johnny Mathis. (Glenn Hauser, OK, R.I.B.)

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