Re: [HCDX]: 1640kHz station unmasked! (fwd)
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Re: [HCDX]: 1640kHz station unmasked! (fwd)
Glen Kippel wrote:
> Interesting stuff about the Haitian station, but the FCC database doesn't
> show a WFNM callsign, or a station on 1640 in your area. Could it be a
> pirate?
> Glen Kippel
> khcs@xxxxxxxx
A PerconCorp Database search shows the following for WFNM:
Frequency Callsign Company Name RS City State 89.1
WFNM Franklin & Marshall Colle BF Lancaster PA
Searched 3,393,331 Records. Found 1 records in 0.06 seconds.
BF = FM Broadcast
Werner Funkenhauser
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