Re: [HCDX]: (HCDX): Silent periods
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Re: [HCDX]: (HCDX): Silent periods

Hallo Stig-Hartvig:

> All AM transmitters need to be maintained and some are done so on a
> regular basis when the transmitters are switched off. Among DXers
> called "SILENT PERIODS" - providing excellent possibilies of some
> fine DXing.
> Would anyone have a listing of those silent periods for European
> mediumwave stations ??
> Of particular interest are silent periods of the German power
> houses - for instance DLF on 756.

I had hoped they would have shut down this power house - unfortunately  
I'm very near to it. However, they are about to replace their old  
transmitter(s) soon. And, keep an ear on 630 - they plan to revive  
this frequency as well from this same site 15km east of Braunschweig.  
756 khz will have 2x100 kw and 630 100/20 kw. I do not know if they  
will use it for DLF anymore and why they need two frequencies - it is  
just to keep them alive.
Joachim Stiller in Central Germany
editor of DSWCI's ute-shack

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