[HCDX]: Hauser's DX Report 98-35, Aug 13
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[HCDX]: Hauser's DX Report 98-35, Aug 13

        GLENN HAUSER'S SW/DX REPORT 98-35, Aug 13, 1998

THIS WEEK ON WORLD OF RADIO 952. See the summary at

COSTA RICA. RFPI's outage the past week was caused by a 
component failure in the 30 kW transmitter, causing it to blow
a fuse. The component was replaced with one from the 10 kW,
so it had to go off the air, until replacement parts are
received (James Latham, RFPI, Aug 10, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL
BROADCASTING) As of Aug 11-12, 15049 was back on with a good
signal afternoons and evenings, but not yet 6975 (Hauser)

HUNGARY. That 15685 freq at 0100 for Radio Budapest [in BC-DX]
surely is a typo for 11685, which has been coming in very well 
recently. (Ivan Grishin, Ont., Aug 11, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL

MONGOLIA. VOM was again almost intelligible Tue Aug 10 at 1210 on
12085; the Mailbag was back this week at 1223, starting with a
letter from Sheldon Harvey. This time, no QRM until almost the
end of the half hour when a sweep went by and some very week 
chirps started, but the FE flutter and below par modulation still
made it a strain to copy (Glenn Hauser, OK)

U S A. Subject: WMLK upgrade plans
source: July 1998  "The Sacred Name Broadcaster" (WMLK)
WMLK says that they have begun an upgrade process:

1. Improve the original 50 kw (converted MW) transmitter, and 
   construct a new antenna capable of higher power.
2. Convert their second 50 kw (MW) transmitter to 100 kw SW.
3. Recondition original tx, and upgrade it to 100 kw.
4. Then combine the two for 200 kw of power.

They say they've "cut back on some of the broadcast time in order 
to begin work on improving the transmitter." 
(Larry Russell, MI, August 12, WORLD OF RADIO 952)            ###

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