Re: [HCDX]: electrical interference
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Re: [HCDX]: electrical interference

> The only thing I haven
> t unplugged is a VCR, which I suspect is emitting some  noise.

Just discovered a VCR's fluorescent display was playing havoc at a friends
place... switching it off reduced the noise from S-7 to under S-3!

> I also have a lamp (halogen0 which blows out any attempt to listen to a
> radio whenever it (the lamp) is on. Unfortunately, my poor eyesight
> requires that I get a lamp which is bright like this one, so it is a

Yes.... buy a halogen lamp that uses a good old fashioned wire-wound
transformer to reduce the voltage... you'll know the difference as they are
a lot heavier than the solid-state voltage dropping devices.

73s Paul
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