[HCDX]: Radio Mexico Int.
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[HCDX]: Radio Mexico Int.

   Last days I heard following stations:

   9721.70 Radio Victoria 15/9 0500 with religious px and Id
   as "SAN MARCOS RADIO",transmission was from Estadio San
   Marcos,background music of Jean Michel Jarre with Oxygene.
   In the middle of the programme the national anthem of Peru!
   I think for this one SIO 222.

   9704.95 Radio Mexico International 17/9 0415 programme in
   english till 0425 after that in spanish,requesting recep-
   tion reports,signal was with much fading,music was good to
   hear,talk was much weaker,at 0445 WYFR was signing on with
   much stronger signal,after several tries this morning was
   best reception,best times to hear between 0400 and 0445. 
   SIO till 0445 232.

   9665.10 Radio Marumby,Florianopolis,Brazil 16/9 2340 with
   good signals and Id,SIO 323.


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