Re: [HCDX]: Free 846 Khz from Rai - Italy.
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Re: [HCDX]: Free 846 Khz from Rai - Italy.

Andrea Borgnino - ITALY:   
> the Rai Trasmitter of Santa Palomba (Roma - Italy) will be switched off
> from 22:30 utc 
> to 6:00 utc in this days for work on the main antenna sistem. The 846 khz
> will be free at night until 24/9/98 to setup the antennas for a new 1200 Kw 
> trasmitter.

Hmm... is the 1200 kW tx really on?  Yesterday Sep.27 around 2120Z
I heard DZNN Manila with strong signal on 846 kHz with my 200 meter
antenna towards East.  Today I hear (1900Z) Radio Stantzia Radonez
(Russian orthodox church station, Moscow) on 846 kHz.  RAI is
also heard but with fading signal.  Are they still using the
540 kW "only" transmitter (WRTH98) or is the 1200 kW tx really on?

Jorma Mantyla
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