Re: [HCDX]: Free 846 Khz from Rai - Italy.
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Re: [HCDX]: Free 846 Khz from Rai - Italy.
Jean Burnell wrote:
> >> I listened on 846 khz around 2300 and 0100 UTC: I heard a station with
> >> continious music: moderate signal, but also moderate QSB. Did anybody ID-ed
> >> this station?
> >I was there,too, 22.50-01.10. Non-stop automated music (abslolutely no
> >id's) with interference from Radio Rossii after 0015.
> >According to conditions this stn might have been South Africa which
> >has been logged here a couple of times in Finland.
> >Any more info? Some people read this in South Africa. Is 846 kHz
> >automated music during night?
> >
> >> Max van Arnhem
> >
> >Jorma Mantyla
> I have heard this South African station a number of times during the same
> time period, although the last reception was more than a year ago. The
> format had always been soft rock and phone calls (some quite lengthy),
> mainly in an African language. The presenter after 2200 UTC I seem to
> recall was always a woman...
Yep. I remember this one from the Newfoundland 3 in May of '95 (I think it might
have been a NA first at the time.)
Here's the log:
846 SOUTH AFRICA R. Xhosa, Komga, 12 May 2315-2336, 2348-0003 -
Phone-in pgm mainly in a local language but with occasional EE, hosted
by a woman. On Braz-Bev and Southern-Bev, long, deep fades, but up to
SIO 343
"You're outa here!" Remember fellas, George, Jean, and John?
Werner Funkenhauser
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