Re: [HCDX]: Medium wave bandwidth + popularity
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Re: [HCDX]: Medium wave bandwidth + popularity

> I Europe the bandwidth for medium wave stations is supposed to be 4.5 kHz,
> but in the UK they get away with using 6 kHz. In the US and elsewhere in
> the Americas I believe the bandwidth is 9 kHz and in Japan 10 kHz.
> Australia 9 kHz I think. South Africa ?

You are right, Stig. We have installed some weeks ago a new Orban Digital
audio processor for our AM station and the bandwidth for the american NRSC-1
standard is 9.5 KHz while for Europe is from 4.5  to 7 KHz. 
> I have heard that in Spain they use a wider bandwidth than in the rest of
> Europe. Is that correct? 

Well..., we play here with the same rules. The audio must be cutted at 7
KHz,  but...It' so easy to cut off the filter!. Seriously, many stations
here are doing  that for the benefit of those with cheap receivers (don't
filters, so if you modulate 15 KHz they will sound as FM!), and there is not
a big control from the authorities. 


Mauricio Molano
Salamanca. SPAIN
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