Re: [HCDX]: CBM-940 not heard
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Re: [HCDX]: CBM-940 not heard
Bill Harms wrote:
> I did not hear CBM-940 between 0530 and 0545. Although conditions
> were on the auroral side CBL-740 and CBE-1550 were audible at the
> same time. On 940 I heard a mix of R. Reloj Cuba, another Latin
> (Puerto Rico?), Miami, and at least two other stations. In the past
> I have noticed the same line up sans CBM, so not hearing CBM does
> not mean that much. Can someone closer to CBM confirm that they are
> off the air?
Hi Bill,
Yes, conditions last night were definitely auroral, and conditions south
were quite good the evening of Oct 19 and morning of Oct 20.
I heard a weak CBM (// CBL) with the "Ideas" program last night. Can't
remember the exact time. At 0440 XEQ dominated the frequency with it's
"la Hora Torpical-Tropi Q", but around 0100, I had a very poor Reloj
(only a man speaking , not beep, no CW 'RR') and a second SS hot music
station, with WINZ drifting about also. I suspect the SS was all-night
Venezuelan R. Punto Fijo. I've heard that one many times on 940, and
though I didn't hear an ID, I'd guess it was them because other
Venezuelans around the same time and earlier had moderate to good
signals on 670 (R. Rumbos), 720 (R. Oriente "Quinze"), 750 (R. Caracas)
and 780 (R. Coro), all of which were reIDed last night.
I heard these on my ESKA/EDVIS PLAM-equipped R71A, and a Kiwa Loop.
Since Punto Fijo doesn't leave the air after 0500, maybe it was them you
heard under Reloj, or XEQ.
Saw your TA list the other day. Lets hope conditions become better in
that direction. After spending a week in Newfoundland, I'm really
Werner Funkenhauser
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