[HCDX]: TFW 71 3/3
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[HCDX]: TFW 71 3/3

THE FOUR WINDS ON LINE  - Copyright 1998  Part  3
Year   3   Number  71  - Rome,   30 Oct. 1998

ECUADOR - Update on the HCJB Pifo site problem. A military plane crashed
in Quito near the HCJB studios in 1974, starting the concern about the
present airport. Land began to be purchased for a new airport at
Yaruqui, near Pifo. HCJB found that the axis of the main runway pointed
exactly (as confirmed by GPS) at HCJB's tallest antenna tower, so HCJB
told the authorities this could be a physical problem, not just an
electronic interference problem. On May 8, 1997, the Director of Civil
Aviation told HCJB to begin studies on relocating its antennas, but
there was no deadline or definite order  to move. Now there is a new
airport commission under the vice-presidency, but not much has happened.
Things heated up with the Cuban crash a few months ago, but nothing of
substance has been done. A contract to build the new airport has not
been anounced, but several bids have been made. HCJB  has looked
seriously at two new pieces of land, but no decision has been made yet.
Would like to keep direct access to HCJB's Papallacta hydro plant now
powering Pifo, but this does not seem possible at alternate sites due to
residential development; would have to work off the national grid, and
lose power  when it does. HCJB has been using the big-gun approach, with
more distant targets than most other international broadcasters, but
this will have to change.  HCJB has already been reorganized into
regional subdivisions, so different target areas are yielded to people
in the regions, rather than direct broadcasts  from Quito. So will no
longer broadcast direct to Europe, but use relays as have already
started via UKOGBANI to Russia/CIS. Programming would still  be produced
in Quito, depending on staffing; in the case of Russian, staff is now in
Russia rather than Quito. But German is still in Quito, as this
language  also serves South America (Glen Volkhardt, HCJB Broadcasting
Director, on HCJB DX Partyline Oct 18 via Glenn Hauser/ GH SW/DX Report
98-46, October 22)

ECUADOR - DX Partyline has a new contributor, Dr. Rich Olson, N6NR, who
will answer technical questions, to start soon. HCJB has had problems
with  the RealAudio site, but plans to add new segents, such as Don
Moore's recent talk on DXing harmonics [which sounds as if I had written
it myself--in fact, I  think I did, many years ago -gh] (DXPL Oct 18 via
Hauser / GH SW/DX Report 98-46, October 22)

ECUADOR - Regarding my remark in the previous Report, Don Moore assures
me that although he may have read my article on harmonics years ago, his
DX Partyline talk about the subject was not plagiarized, but based on
something he wrote from his own knowledge a few years ago (Glenn Hauser/

FRANCE - Paris, 16-10-98.  Dear Colleagues and Friends, I am glad to
inform you that, from October 25th 1998, France will significantly
contribute to the reduction of the HF spectrum' congestion. Thanks to
the "emergence of new technologies" and maybe to the limited confidence
of the french programme society in analog HF broadcasting (+ resulting
budget constraints), we have been urged to drastically reduce the number
of transmitting-hours. The remaining transmitting-hrs will appear in the
revised version of the HFCC  " TDF Winter 98 schedule ". May I recall to
you what were and are the major steps of this contribution to the
improvement of HF spectrum occupancy :  1-01-1996 : deletion of our
long-standing usages of 6175 kHz and 3965 kHz for Western Europe
omni-directional coverage.  30-03-1997 : deletion of North America'
coverage.  25-10-1998 :  reductions to the coverages of  South America,
Central America, Central Europe, Near and Middle East, Africa, and this
notwithstanding slight improvements since 1994 such as those resulting
from the strong pressure : "as far as possible, one frequency per
target, no more..." On a rough basis, in Winter 98, the number of
transmitting-hrs will be  30 x 100 lower than in Summer 98, ISS. and GUF
included. And this has nothing to do with the expected increasing SSN.
French-speaking programmes  are mainly concerned. Listeners complaining
that they are no more able to tune in their programmes as usual are or
will be invited to tune in local FM relay  stations (quite obvious) 
Internet, .satellites (Astra,Intelsat,Panamsat,Echostar,Palapa,Asiasat)
...while waiting for a wide spreading of low-price  WorldSpace
receivers. They might also tune in other stations. Further progress
could be decided in the coming weeks or from 1-01-1999, but they are not
known (by me at least) for the time beeing.  Air-time to let  might be a
large part of our next schedule. Best wishes. Daniel Bochent (via
F.Clemente, Italy)

FRANCE - [non]. While 15530 was weak on Sunday at 1200 in English, it
was quite strong on Tue Oct 27, coming on late at 1202, so I now agree
with Mike Cooper and George Thurman that this is still French Guiana,
ex-13625. Spanish on 15515 also came on late at *1201 //13640, all
equally strong from RFI. At 1250 RFI announced the only frequency
changes concerning English: 1200 Carib/ENAm 15530 ex-22m; 1400 SEAs
12030 ex-19m; 1400 India 12030 ex-19m; 1600 CAf 15530 ex-16mb; the rest
unchanged (Glenn Hauser, OK/ GH SHORTWAVE/DX REPORT 98-47, Oct 26)

NEW ZEALAND - RNZI may modify its frequency schedule in January due to
rising sunspot number. Anniversary Program is available on cassette for 
NZD 25 to Box 123, Wellington (Adrian Sainsbury, RNZI Mailbox Oct 12 via
Hauser / GH SW/DX Report 98-46, October 22)

PALAU - There will be a new set of DVB test broadcasts via Palau as
follows: Thursday October 29, 1998   13.00-14.00 UTC   9.985 kHz ---
Friday   October 30, 1998   13.00-14.00 UTC   9.985 kHz --- Saturday
October 31, 1998   13.00-14.00 UTC   9.985 kHz --- Sunday   November 1,
1998  13.00-14.00 UTC   9.985 kHz (Ludo Maes, Belgium)

PERU - unID on unique 5678 Oct 20 fading at 1145; tuned in 5-6-7-8 an
hour earlier the next morning, Oct 21, when reception was quite good:
1042 horoscope, 1045 ad for Prostatal, a capsule for all that ails you,
expecially the obvious; bits of Andean music and time checks 1-2 minutes
fast, ads  mentioning Cutervo, 1059 yelling promo with several mentions
of "Radio Ilucan de Cutervo"; fading a bit after 1100. So this is the
latest frequency for one    of the best-heard Peruvians (Glenn Hauser,
SW/DX  Report 98-46, October 22)

PIRATE EUROPE - The new web page of Radio Strike is:
<http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Pit/6264> (Pecolatto, Italy  /
Radiorama Pirate News)

SERBIA - New Time for Radio Yugoslavia's Oz/NZ broadcast, as announced
on Oct 16 at 0010. 1330-1400 on 11835 (ex 1900-1930).  I assume that 
starts Oct 25. No new times/freqs for NAm or Europe announced as yet.
But I expect them to move their NAm broadcasts an hour later and move
down to  the 41 meter band, perhaps around 7115 (Ivan Grishin, Oshawa,
October 22)

SAINT  HELENA - I have just spoke to Mr Derek Richards about Saturday's
Broadcast. During the conversation I asked about next year's
transmission - "well said Derek, the Government faces some financial
problems and the budget may be cut for the Radio Station. This together
with the old transmitter, which status cannot be guaranteed by
Cable&Wireless, means that there will probably not be any transmission
next year". So, what will happen in the next Millenium? This year's
broadcast maybe the last one, at least on shortwave. We don't know how
Internet will progress in St Helena in next year as long as it costs 50
pence per minut to connect. (John Ekwall, Sweden / via F. Clemente,

ST. HELENA - [non]. R. Eurogeek, pirate, was indeed on 11092.5 before R.
St. Helena, Sat Oct 24, already in progress at tune-in 1759, with a
strong, steady signal RSH would envy. Chuck Putz lamented that this
might be his last broadcast too as he was having to sell the station,
which hadn't been on the air since one year ago. Went on and on in
presumed put-on of the station's sad situation. Had phony Marie Lamb
greeting, references to Free Radio Weekly; QSL drop Providence; 1838
played Eurogeek Anthem which was a combination of France, Germany,
Netherlands, Italy? But this wasn't the end; followed with "Mike Tyson"
and ad for Liszt-Lager Lite [get it?], finally off at 1850* in plenty of
time clear for RSH. Also made brief appearance after RSH at 2319 but
Eurogeek barely audible then (Glenn Hauser, OK/ GH SHORTWAVE/DX REPORT
98-47, Oct 26)

ST. HELENA - We dutifully kept tuned to 11092.5 USB, which Eurogeek had
so kindly pinpointed for us, but there was no trace of RSH here from
1900 until the first bits of it started to appear at about 2000 Oct 24.
Signal gradually increased until music and occasional words were audible
at 2039 when I started taping, and may eventually get around to
listening to. Did listen to the extension after 2304 when my tape ran
out: 2307 ID, and plug for C&W plc; various goodbyes, finally 2318 GSTQ
and off. During the final half-hour or so the signal strength dropped
off a bit (Glenn Hauser, OK/ GH SHORTWAVE/DX REPORT 98-47, Oct 26)

URUGUAY - 6125 CXA4 SODRE, Montevideo 1000-1245 // CX6 (MW 650) Class mx
pgm. ---1245-0100 // CX38 (MW1290)Educative pgms, specifically IDs as
"Radio Educativa SODRE" in the period 1700-2100.  --- 0100-0300 // CX6
(MW 650) Class mx pgm QSL info: Send your rpts to "Radioactividades",c/o
Sr Luis "Lula" Ignacio Moreira, P.O.Box 7011, 11000 Montevideo. He is
co-producer of this pgm on mass media and DX-ing,that has been bcst for
ten years over CX26, and which is the descendant of the old (and
defunct) "DX Club del Uruguay". You can contact them also via their
website at <http://www.chasque.apc.org/radioact> and E-mail <at
radioact@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (H.Nigro, Uruguay)

URUGUAY - 6140 CXA20 R. Montecarlo, Montevideo 1030-1530 // CX20(MW930).
1405-1425 carries "Aqui Roma", produced by "RAI (Radio  Televisione
Italiana), Representacion para las Americas", a trilingual Italian nx
pgm (Italian, Spanish, Portuguese), produced in the office of RAI in
Montevideo(RAI's ADDR: Av. 18 de Julio 1044, 11100 Montevideo, URUGUAY).
A 2KW xter is used, the same for all Montecarlo/Oriental SW channels.
Inverted-V ant., NE. QSL info: The station is confirming with QSL-lt
v/s: Alexi Haysaniuk, Gerente Tecnico, who is also a ham. In good
relations with him, I personally have been helping foreign DXers,
intermediating with tapes and rcpn rpts that are sent to my QTH and
which I forward to Mr. Haisaniuk. They have E-mail but I would suggest
to forward rpts via snail-mail. (H.Nigro, Uruguay)

URUGUAY - 9595 CXA72 R. Montecarlo, Montevideo, 2330-0300(of the
folowing day). //930, but has occasionally been hrd relaying certain
pgms of CX12 R.Oriental MW730 (specially sports) in the past. Carries
"Aqui Roma" 0205-0222. Dipole ant, NE. QSL info see above. (H.Nigro,

URUGUAY - 9650 CXA42 Emisora Ciudad de Montevideo, Montevideo 1300-2130
//CX42 (MW 1370). Occasionally extends s/off when special sportive bcsts
and during summer Carnival,in Feb, firsts of Mar every year, when bcsts
are made of the "Concurso de Agrupaciones Carnavalescas" from the
"Teatro de Verano del Parque Rodo", a classical carnival
competition.PWR:1.5 KW. QSL info:f/d QSl-cd issued, no rp required. v/s:
Aramazd Yizmeyian, owner. (H.Nigro, Uruguay)

URUGUAY - 11735 CXA7 R. Oriental, Montevideo 1630-2330 //CX12 (MW 730).
Sked may be extended when special sports bcsts. Carries "Aqui Roma"
2205-2220. Xter, same as 6140/9595. Ant: Dipole oriented to Europe.
QSL-info, see 6140 (H.Nigro, Uruguay)

URUGUAY - 6045 CXA61, R. Sarandi Sport, Montevideo (ex-R. Sport or
Libertad Sport, ex-R. Integracion Americana, with xter in Rivera during
past  years). SW channel for MW   890. Owner has declared there is no
interest in using SW for the moment, but has not  returned license.
(H.Nigro, Uruguay)

URUGUAY - 6075 CXA3 LV de Artigas, Artigas, SW channel for CX118 (MW
1180). Lack of 4-400 tubes. Reportedly plans to resume, but date
unknown. See Future Plans. (H.Nigro, Uruguay)

URUGUAY - 9620 CXA6 SODRE, Montevideo. //CX26 (MW 1050), faulty
transformer. Resuming delayed because almost no funds are devoted to
SODRE's SW activity. QSL info see 6125,above. (H.Nigro, Uruguay)

URUGUAY - 11835 CXA19 R. El Espectador, Montevideo, in a recent QSL-lt
to a Canadian DXer for a 1993 rpt I have helped him to get (and which
took a month of efforts), current Gerente de Programacion: Sr. Oscar
Pessano states that "SW txs are "suspended" (note that he doesn't write
"dropped") in favor of all-day RealAudio bcsts over their website at
<http://www.espectador.com>  The sation is having its 75 anniversary
next month. I presented him an idea of making special "a la St. Helena"
bcsts using this inactive xter (if something remains of it),during the
anniversary, but no answer was given. (H.Nigro, Uruguay)

URUGUAY - 6035 CXA30 R. Nacional, Montevideo -INACTIVE- (used to //CX30
MW 1130). Has expectations to return to SW, but their economical 
situation is not easy and the stn plans are slow. Plans are to adapt to
SW use their current MW xter (of Czech origin). But one of the new MW
xters was  broken, and this is delaying the process. (H.Nigro, Uruguay)

URUGUAY - 6055 CXA? To be assigned soon. Usually well informed source
indicated that MW stn CW148 R. Universo, Castillos, Depto. de Rocha has 
applied for this channel. Awaiting official granting. (H.Nigro, Uruguay)

URUGUAY - 6075 CXA3 LV de Artigas, Artigas -INACTIVE- some reports
indicate that they plan to resume in a future but no date given. See
below. (H.Nigro, Uruguay)

URUGUAY - 6155 CXA? To be assigned soon. Applicants for this channel
were CW155, R. Sarandi del Yi,Sarandi del Yi, Depto. de Durazno, also
CW155 R. Universo, Castillos, (as 6055) and two other persons located in
Montevideo (intermediates?). Awaiting official granting. (H.Nigro,

URUGUAY - 9620 SODRE, Montevideo -INACTIVE- if technical problem, as
read above, is solved would be on the air again relaying CX26 MW 1050,
1000-0300. Budget to SODRE's SWs is almost nil. The MW stn, however has
continued to ID mentioning also this fqy. (H.Nigro, Uruguay)

URUGUAY - 31mb LV de Artigas has revealed interest in opening a fq in
this band, but no more info available. (H.Nigro, Uruguay)

URUGUAY - 15230 CXA142 Emisora Ciudad de Montevideo, still no date for
starting here. Station seemingly has not hurry and State doesn't force
them. (H.Nigro, Uruguay)

USA - WWCR's Thursday 2100 program in Punjabi seems to give ID in
passing as "Worldwide Punjabi Radio"; paused for a few mins of talk
around  2115 Oct 15 on 15685, and was still going at 2141 tuneout; just
how long is it supposed to be? From next week shifts to 2200 on 9475
98-46, October 22)

USA - Subject: WBCQ Program changes Schedule updates have been posted on
the website, <http://theplanet.wbcq.net>. Of note is the addition of
Brother   Stair's program, The Overcomer Radio Ministry, airing daily at
0700 - 1000 UTC. Conspiracy Theory will replace Scriptures for America,
making Randi  a very happy girl indeed, Tuesday through Friday 0000 -
0100 UTC.  Since the folks in Maine think only in Eastern time, all
programs will be airing one hour later UTC after the time switch.  If
only the management heard your comment last week about how we all should
think in terms of UTC... (Tina, WBCQ Webmistress, Oct 19, WORLD OF RADIO
962/ GH SW/DX Report 98-46, October 22)

USA - Blue Ridge Communications will build and lease out transmitters
and antennas for customers at our McCaysville, Georgia transmitter site
under customer's own call letters!! No need to hire expensive engineers,
consultants, freq managers etc. Blue Ridge Communications can handle all
of your shortwave broadcasting needs, all work and engineering done
under one roof. The above is our next project!!!! The cost to lease a
transmitter and an antenna will be around 19,000 dollars a month for 20
hours a day 7 days a week! [under USD 32 an hour -gh] New transmitter
finished; runs smooth; new rhombic finished; having rf exposure tested
next week; hope to commission unit November 1 to 10??? Up to the FCC
when. This transmitter will run under  WGTG but call letters to change
in future, perhaps "WFPI" -- liberal programming, "World for Peace
International" if I can get the customers [6890-USB]. (Dave Frantz, GM
98-46, October 22)

USA - Check out 7415 at 0300 when VOA is interfering with WBCQ (George
Thurman, TX, Oct 27/ GH SHORTWAVE/DX REPORT 98-47, Oct 26) indeed VOA is
back on this channel it had been using seasonally long before it became
the only outlet for the new WBCQ. But this clash should have been
avoided by coordination -- wake up, frequency managers! VOA was way on
top of WBCQ here at 0300, but by 0430 WBCQ had the advantage, -- this 
can't go on. On the other hand, it makes William Cooper four nights a
week even more unlistenable than usual, so there's a silver lining
(Glenn Hauser, OK/ GH SHORTWAVE/DX REPORT 98-47, Oct 26)

USA - World Harvest Radio blew away the first airing of the only program
worth listening to on their entire schedule, DXing with Cumbre, UT Sat
Oct 24 at 0230 on KWHR 17510; instead, a station-produced infomercial
already in progress continued, "Making Healthy Choices" for a product
called Mineral Rich, so US SW radio reaches a new low. A new edition of
DWC did appear at 0500 on 5745, 7315 (Glenn Hauser, REVIEW OF


Join me for the latest tuning tips for the South Pacific on Radio New
Zealand International during "Mailbox", fortnightly broadcasts, Mondays
2135 UTC on 17675kHz, Wednesdays 1735 UTC on 6145 kHz and Fridays 1930
UTC on 17675 kHz. --- And on AWR's "Wavescan" commencing the third
Sunday of the month (see <http://www.awr.org> for frequency schedule),
repeated at 0700z and 1900z on ZLXA, New Zealand's Radio Reading
Service, Levin, the third Monday of the month, on 1602kHz, 3935kHz and
7290kHz. (Paul Ormandy, New Zealand)

from Glenn Hauser CONTINENT OF MEDIA (COM) is an additional half-hour
carried only by RFPI, produced about once a month and repeated weekly
until a new edition arrive, on this schedule: Fri 1930, Sat 0330,  1030
(or 1100), 1730, Sun 0130, 0830 (or 0900). RFPI frequencies: 21460-USB
between 1730 and 0200; 15049-AM 1730-1200 but seldom heard after 0300;
6975-AM 0000-0800 (weekends -1200). The Oct-Nov edition started Oct 23.
COM deals primarily with domestic media developments in America. The
current COM is now also available on the web thanks to Harry Helms, at
<http://www.DXing.com/ContinentOfMedia.html> WORLD OF RADIO SCHEDULE,
SHORT VERSION as of Oct 27: NOTE: this is posted only when there have
been changes since last time. UT; Times may vary on all the SW stations.
On RFPI Costa Rica: Fri 2000, Sat 0400, 1100 (or 1130), 1800, Sun 0200,
0900 (or 0930), 2300, Mon 0700, Tue 1900, Wed 0300; the Wed 1000 may be
inactive currently. RFPI frequencies: 21460-USB 1730-0200; 15049-AM
1730-1200 but seldom heard after 0300; 6975-AM 0000-0800 (weekends
-1200).  On WWCR Nashville: Thu 2130 15685 [changing to 9475 in Dec,
Jan, Feb], Sat 2330 5070, Sun 0730 5070, Sun 1030 5070, Mon 0600 3210,
Tue 1330 15685. On WGTG, Georgia, UT Sun 0030 on 5085, maybe soon and/or
6890-USB. W.O.R. is a listener-supported, public-service program about
communications around the world, especially, but not limited to,
Shortwave Broadcasting. Look for separately distributed rundowns of
topics in each half-hour edition, or on our frequently-updated,
text-only website: <http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio> also
usually in RFPI Weekly Updates, previews by E-mail or newsgroups. This
site also gives complete details of all our broadcasts on satellite,
cable, AM and FM, Internet, in Spanish, and about our publications,
contact info, etc. (G.Hauser, USA)

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