Re: [HCDX]: R Nac 1035 s/off -Reply
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Re: [HCDX]: R Nac 1035 s/off -Reply

Mauno Ritola wrote:

> At 23.54 4.11.1998 +0100, Karel Honzik wrote:
> >With british NorthSound Two dominating on the frequency (and some
> >stations the other nights), I heard 3 short whiffs of excited religious
> >speach in Portuguese. Nothing more after the midnight, so it seems
> >station signs off at 2400 UTC.
> >Can anybody confirm the sign off at this time?
> I think I heard them at 0200 UTC one night, so I suppose they are 24 h.
> 73, Mauno
> Finland

Radio Nacional, Lisbon, Portugal, broadcasts 24h a day. Probably they
reduce power at midnight UTC.

Between 23 and 24h UTC, they transmit a religious program in Brazilian
Portuguese from a church that calls itself Church "God is Life", one more
church from Brazil. At 00h UTC, news bulletin followed by easy listening
Portuguese music (here in Portugal we call it "pimba" music).

73 and best DXing

Fernando de Sousa Ribeiro
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