[HCDX]: Pac Logs
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[HCDX]: Pac Logs

Hi everybody,

Good Pacific conditions tonight:

1905	5020	(SLM)  SIBC Honiara with typical religious chants, very faint
(below Niger)
1952	3235	(PNG)	 R. West New Britain, Vn/E, local music, at 2000 news in
English and NBC ID,
                   strong signal (33333) but quickly fading after 2010
2010	3905	(INS)	 RRI Merauke (presumed), BI, soft pop music, very good
signal (34423)

Vy 73,

Enzio Gehrig
Denia, Spain (38.51N 00.07E)
NRD-535D, AR-3030, MTA, GS-2 ML-1-S
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