[HCDX]: Great loggings from WCNA
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[HCDX]: Great loggings from WCNA

Thought the wider group might wish to share my loggings, especially from
last night, a superb one propagationally.  Just for your information, I
used 4 receivers...Collins HF-2050, Collins R390A, JRC 535D, and a Kenwood
R5000, fed by a TMC multicoupler, with a choice of 5 antennae:  T2FD, 60
meter horizontal loop, Eavesdropper dipole, 25 meter dipole, and a 15 meter
random wire.  Without doubt, the T2FD is by FAR, the best all around
antenna.  HIGHLY, I REPEAT HIGHLY, RECOMMENDED, and pretty easy to build.

                              Walter Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, Canada.
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