[HCDX]: Mohrmann's Web Page / Let's bury the copyright topic
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[HCDX]: Mohrmann's Web Page / Let's bury the copyright topic

A few comments:

1. Let's bury this latest "tempest in a teapot" (the
copyright discussion, with all its attendant ill will) 
and get HCDX back to loggings, antennas, receivers, etc.

Very few DX "professionally": there's little reason to restrict
the free flow of information.  Most people in the hobby
don't mind you referring to information from their reports 
as long as you do the courtesy of mentioning the original
source of the information.

2. Mark Mohrmann's " http://homepages.together.net/~hackmohr/ "
page is a well-done list.  It would be great if the coverage
of this could be extended down to 530 kHz for the benefit
of medium wave enthusiasts.

3. Are there any active HCDXers in Bermuda, the eastern
Caribbean, the Azores, or Madeira ?  Medium-wave bandscans
from any of those locales would be interesting to me.
Look at " http://www.inforamp.net/~funk/nfx.html " (the
most recent Newfoundland DXpedition report) for a good 
example of what I'd like to see.

4. I occasionally see reporters from South Africa.  Are there
any good Web sites for DXpedition reports from that area ?

5. Let's all try to ENJOY this hobby rather than giving out
"aggro" to fellow DXers.  If you're not happy with this
activity, read a good book, listen to some music, play a
sport, cultivate a love life ... in other words, find
SOMETHING that relieves your stress instead of doing 
things that cause it ! 

Best of DX / 73 ... Mark
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