[HCDX]: Noise from power lines
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[HCDX]: Noise from power lines

Hi there.

I live about 400 meters from two 400 kV power supply lines, that runs from
west to east of Denmark. It gives me heavy noise on mediumwave and lower
shortwave bands, and have increased during the last few years.
Does anyone out there have any ideas how to reduce noise from these power
lines - except moving all my radio gear and the whole family to another and
more quiet location?
I use koax and baluns for all antennas, which have reduced noise from the
mains in the house.

Best 73's 

Bjarke Vestesen


Bjarke Vestesen
Box 48
5200 Odense V

Tlf.: 65 96 74 17
Fax: 65 96 74 27


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