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Dear colleagues,
VA3SCR was audible on a regular basis here in Geneva, Switzerland during November and December. Back then it used to be on just under 28263 khz (around 28262.9). The beacon started late Spring/ early Summer of last year. Location is in the north central part of Toronto. A QSL card is available. The ODXA beacon's  operator is Steve Canney (VA3SC).

>>> "joe talbot" <n52w113@xxxxxxxxxxx> 01/12 7:39 PM >>>

   Canada, 28263.2 CW (ODXA CW Beacon), VA3SRC, 2201-2221 Jan 2, CW ID "VVV" 
(Test) "DE" (This Is) "VA3SRC" x 3, then message. SINPO:2,5,3,4,3+. 5 watt 
CW Beacon Toronto Ontario Canada. Address: VA3SRC ODXA 10 Meter Beacon, c/o 
The ODXA, PO Box 161 Station A, Willowdale Ontario, Canada M5N5S8.

                                  Joe Talbot n52w113@xxxxxxxxxxx 
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