Re: [HCDX]: Israel
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Re: [HCDX]: Israel

At 20.32 21.1.2000 +0100, you wrote:
>Just returned from a business week in Tel Aviv. Arutz Sheva is quiet on 711
>and 1143 kHz, but still active on FM from different locations in Israel.

It must have been off temporarily, it is audible now cleary on 1143 kHz. I
have never heard it on 711 kHz, so I don't know about it.

>Heard a new Kol Israel station on 1269 kHz. Is there any HCDX reader that
>is living in or near Israel that can check. Hebrew was also heard on 1539
>kHz. The Voice of Peace ???

Which programme did they carry on 1269? Maybe Zach Liangas from Greece
could check these?

73, Mauno

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