[HCDX]: 60m logs...
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[HCDX]: 60m logs...
Hi to everyone !
Here are some logs from last night with not bad conditions...
Hope you enjoy it.
By the way, a very good help was the TBL from Willi Passmann.
vy73's de Mathias
"Weltempfang" Die Mailing-Liste für deutschsprachige DXer
4746,80 - 2349 - UNID ? - spanish, very much echo effects
4765 - 2344 - R. Rural - B - 12441
4790 - 2338 - R. Atlántida - PRU 23442
4830 - 0023 - R. Tachira - VEN - 33443
4850 - 0027 - RTV Yaounde - CME - 43443
4955 - 0037 - R. Cultural Amanta - PRU - 23442
4995,61 - 2335 R. Andina - PRU - 23442 - national music
5025 - 0100 - R. Rebelde - CUB - 34443
5030,13 - 0105 - Dr. Gene Scott auf ex. AWR tx - CTR - 34443
5035,25 - R. Aparecidas - B - 23442 - very popular music musik, much echo effects
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