Re: [HCDX]: WGTG 6.890 SSB QSL Policy
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Re: [HCDX]: WGTG 6.890 SSB QSL Policy
Glenn Hauser wrote:
> I can't imagine why anyone would want a QSL from this station, but some
> weeks ago Dave Frantz told me and I then publicized, that he requires a
> minimum of FIVE HOURS of program details, not necessarily consecutive, along
> with SASE or SAE and IRC. There are still no guarantees, but that is what he
> told me at that time.
> Glenn Hauser
> From: jyri.rauhala@xxxxxxxxx
> Reply-To: hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> To: hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: RE: [HCDX]: WGTG 6.890 SSB
> Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2000 13:45:36 +0200
> Can anyone give a hint on how to get a QSL from WGTG?
> Over the years of WGTG's existence I have tried all sort of letters
> (interesting/dull/simple/thorough/personal/formal/souvernirs/no-souvernirs/dollars/no-dollars/SASE/IRC),
> recordings on floppy disk, e-mail... i.e. quite many attempts with
> absolutely no results. regards,
> Jyri Rauhala
> Tampere, Finland
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Hi all, John Wright Sydney Australia.
I deplore people like Mr WGTG.
Imagine all that IRCs' and US dollars notes he gets (I see it every day
with Radio Australia), at least he can reply when sent the required
information I remember when he first started he wanted reply
postage.....he got it from me and probably hundreds around the world.
And 5 hours of have to be kidding, also
non-consecutive so that the SINPO ratings etc,, will change dramatically
over what ever period you in another words.....he wants you
to absorb the programme....anti this and anti that....The idea of a
reception report (the basic concept), is far removed from WGTG idea is,
this is not the concept of reception reports. This is not really the
spirit of the hobby., which can in fact help stations with reception
reports. Sorry for the thread, but this WGTG appears not to be too
friendly at all. Anyone agree or disagree? As the QSL manager for Radio
Australia, Radio 2AM 1620 and the Radio Italia MW network your thoughts
appreciated...maybe Iam wrong but this don't seem to right...John
This is a message from John Wright <dxer@xxxxxxxxx>
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