Re: [HCDX]: Cooledit2000 tips&tricks wanted!
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Re: [HCDX]: Cooledit2000 tips&tricks wanted!

I have been using CoolEdit96 as well as Goldwave. I created
a small DX-multimedia by digitizing audio samples with both
I noticed one inportant difference between Goldwave and Cooledit. 
In my ears - and probably with other ears too - CoolEdit noise
reduction doesn't remove the background noise - especially if
the original noise level is quite high, as in many DX cases 
the situation is. Cool Edit brings instead some kind of
"musical noise" on the background. If you wouldn't know the
circumstances of recording, you would say that there suddenly
appears another station on the background, instead of white/
brown/insert-your-favourite-colour-here noise.
With different settings the result might be different. I am
not saying that I am an expert with CoolEdit functions.

With Goldwave, the passband function is very helpful, and 
unlike CoolEdit, the depth of noise blanking gives a real
digital-like reduction here. Practical example was the 
recording of Radio Morobe that suffered from low sound
athmospheric noise and crashes, and also from about 1.4 kHz
tone. After editing the recording with Goldwave passband,
ie. removing everything under 500 Hz and over 1 kHz, the
voice of female announcer was stunningly clear compared to
the original. Naturally, sound sounded narrow, there was 
just 500 Hz of audio frequency left, but the readability
improved drastically.

I would recommend Goldwave. At least I found its functions
easy to learn and useful in practical situations. Like 
CoolEdit, Goldwave is available from various shareware 
download sites, as Tucows (with several mirrors in several
countries, for example

Jari Lehtinen
Lahti Finland

Haastattelija: - Miten kirjoitetaan vuosiluku 2000 roomalaisin 
Kari Häkämies: - Minä olen poliisiministeri enkä intellektuelli!
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