Re: Ang: Re: [HCDX]: UNID on 1660 kHz
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Re: Ang: Re: [HCDX]: UNID on 1660 kHz

Hi to you all,

> Re Unid on 1660 kHz:
> Why not try the old-fashioned method of listening for legal ID? It still
> works!

Another method is to contact one of these great Java based web-receivers all
over the world.
Pick up one which is nearest to your dx-station and listen to it in a
fantastic quality.:-)))
That makes "qsl-hunting" very easy.
You don't need an own receiver anymore !:-)))

Mathias from Bremen, Germany
Equip.: AR7030Plus with optional notch/nb-unit and filterbaoard with two JRC
crystal-filters / ALA1530 and 20m longwire with MLB.

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