Re: [HCDX]: Remark on 1660
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Re: [HCDX]: Remark on 1660

And here in Europe we often think the other way round. Stations are today
able to broadcast 24 hours a day thanks to network programming and IDs are
coming at certain times, when you have to be alert. So result is that last
solar flux minimum we heard a record number of stations on medium wave at
least here in Finland. All deregulations in USA with former daytimes have
also helped the situation. The problem today is not to hear a station but
to get it QSLet if still favouring, like me, this old fashion way of doing
the hobby...
Per-Ole Stenman, Jakobstad, Finland

At 10:13 21.2.2000 -0800, you wrote:
>DXing in the US is not any different either. Stations most of the time
>seem to fade right at ID time. DXing US stations have become harder year
>after year too as few ID except near the top of the hour. Where as in
>the old days when stations were "live" you could hear an ID every few
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This is a message from Per-Ole Stenman <per-ole.stenman@xxxxxxxx>
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