Re: [HCDX]: 1583.65 Ceuta?
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Re: [HCDX]: 1583.65 Ceuta?

Station was exactly on 1584 but seems to have gone back. Around 1800-1900
look out for their local IDs like "Radio Olé en el Costa del Estrecho"
Per-Ole Stenman, Jakobstad, Finland

At 20:42 21.2.2000, you wrote:
>At 13.01 19.2.2000 GMT, shack@xxxxxx (Ruud Vos) wrote:
>>Posible I heard Ser Radio Ceuta on 1583.65 in LSB mode,
>>but I'm not sure of that.
>>Please Can someone check out for me If I'm correct?
>>I have much QRM fro the other SER station in Zamora
>>especially on excactly 1584 Khz.
>Didn't you get my e-mail to your personal address on Sunday?
>Yes, you are very probably listening to Ceuta, but it is not with the usual
>SER programming. Ceuta relays 24 hours an affiliate programme RadiOlé from
>Costa del Estrecho FM station. They play traditional Spanish music. So,
>look for "Radiolé" identifications, they never ID like SER stations, i.e.
>"Radio Ceuta de la Cadena SER".
>73, Mauno
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