[HCDX]: Test on 1584 kHz heard
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[HCDX]: Test on 1584 kHz heard


this morning (FEB 25, 0600 UTC) I finally heard the test on 1584 kHz with
quite a clear signal (at times...), here in the Czech Republic.
Yesterday I heard only the 3 tones, but today the signal was better and I
could hear also some announcements (mentioning also Radio Caroline) and the
ship´s bell. Best reception was at 0600 (Sunrise in my location), then the
signal was audible untill 0640 - fade out.

I could hear it also on my two barefoot portable receivers SONY ICF2001D and
GRUNDIG Satellit 700 (ferrite rods only). In this case I could only detect
the IS (3 tones), the announcements were inunderstadable...
Should I describe the details of the test here? Better not, to prevent
possible fake reports.

No positive catch of the test on 1332 kHz yet, heard some music in the
morning, but the QRM from Italy and our Czech Radio (weaker than RAI) was
too strong. Maybe next time, I am not giving it up...


Karel Honzik
the Czech Republic

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