Re: [HCDX]: Kenya2000
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Re: [HCDX]: Kenya2000

Hi Gerhard,

At 17:14 27.02.00 +0100, you wrote:
>   Beiliegend meine Logs Kenia Februar  2000!   vy73   Gerhard  Attachment
>Converted: "c:\programme\eudora\attach\Dok11.doc" 

There are many interesting logs in your list of stations heard in Kenya,
but I'm missing the station R. Free Africa from Tanzania on 1377 kHz, which
was also heard last year here in Europe (I heard it with VOA ID on December
3, 1999). Is this station no more on the air, or did  the strong signal
from Kenya on 1386 kHz made impossible to hear anything on 1377?

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