Re: [HCDX]: Rlg programming on 26-27MHz?
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Re: [HCDX]: Rlg programming on 26-27MHz?

>  From:    bjarne.mjelde@xxxxxxxx (Bjarne Mjelde)
>  During skip conditions around 1900 Z on March 18 I heard religious 
> programming on several frequencies below 27 MHz.  At least 6-7 frequencies 
> were monitored, all with separate programming.  They seemed to emerge from 
> British anglican service. Could these be feeder stations of some kind?  
> were all on FM.

Yes, this is still quite a mystery. These stations have been heard in the 
past here in Germany and in the Czech Republic (and may be elsewhere) as well.

One possible solution: I remember that during the early 70´s here in Germany 
special wireless headphones were used by churches as hearing aids for 
allowing older people to follow the words being said during the service. This 
was well before I developed an interest in wireless matters, so I can´t tell 
the frequency range used for this. But may be these strange signals in the CB 
band you reported are something similar. And if conditions are good enough, 
the low power signals are heard all over Europe.

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