[HCDX]: Help Requested
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[HCDX]: Help Requested

Greetings All,
                         I am beginning design of a Shortwave logging
program and would like some input on features. Currently I plan to have a
page for the logs in traditional grid format. A QSL manager to store QSL's
and scan them in, a Reception Report Manager which will keep your reception
reports and perhaps translate them using various language managers. I also
am planning to put in a sort of HotList of stations that will remind you 5
minutes before sign on, for instance you could enter in 4890 PNG at 0930 and
at 0925 an alert would pop up telling you to tune ( This is a big problem I
have, not remembering to check for certain stations) . If there are any
features, functionality you would like to see in such a program please let
me know. I would like to get lists of verisigners, addresses, etc. to
incorporate and it would be nice to add the Ilg db but I will have to ask
for permission.This program will be freeware as it is just a hobby for me.
Thanks for the input.

Patrick Buckingham
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