Re: [HCDX]: Waianakarua 2000 DXped
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Re: [HCDX]: Waianakarua 2000 DXped

Hi Richard,

> I went out to my planned local DX spot with a friend yesterday, it is in a
> forest area but not too overgrown. The location we could use has about a
> metre run at 60 degrees, running close to a bush track so easy to get to -
> I can try the radials. Slight drop in elevation over the distance, but
> steep. About 150 metres ASL, and 3km from nearest house, 6km from nearest
> with a ridge between. Only possible problem is the 110kV powerlines about
> away parallel, though I couldn't hear any noise on the car radio,
> different from the AOR with longwire!
> Best advantage - 16km from home - 4km on dirt. And 22 minutes drive in
> daylight, so maybe 30 at night.
I'm looking forward to hearing you've discovered Waianakaustralia!

No doubt we'll see a trail... though timing may be crucial to success... the
A-index dropped to 1 around the 16th of April so use the 27 day solar
rotation to plot the next several dips...



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