Re: [HCDX]: Country Radio, Prague on new frequency
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Re: [HCDX]: Country Radio, Prague on new frequency

> Hello all !
> Just noted this afternoon while scanning the band,
> that Country Radio from Prague usually on 1062 kHz
> was on new 1584 kHz with an equal strength than
> on 1062 kHz. Heard between 1330 and 1500 UTC.
> maybe Karel can help on this ?
> vy 73
> Hans Pammer
> Loosdorf / Austria
> RX: Sony ICF-6800 W with Martens loop

Hi Hans and others,

Country Radio (Prague, 1062 kHz, 24h) is now relayed also via Brno-Komarov
on 1584 kHz.
1 kW, 0400-1700 UTC, since 1 APR 2000.

Daytime service is not good for DX reception.
They plan to increase BC-hours if the station succeeds in expected tough
competition with Radio Brno, which is a station playing country on FM.


Karel Honzik
the Czech Republic

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