Re: [HCDX]: DX Locations
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Re: [HCDX]: DX Locations

I've always been of the opinion that listening close to the ocean was by far and away the best place to Dx from. Nothing has really changed my mind about this.
Any thoughts on Dxing at altitude?

You are correct in assuming that DXing near salt water is better than most other places. This gives boost in signals due to what is labeled "sea gain". This is also why many transmitter sites are located in such places. It gives you a better ground plane.
In spite of this, many early AM transmitter were situated way inlands, such as the Horby transmitter site in Sweden. Why? Because of military security reasons. It should be more difficult to destroy the transmitters.
With today's smart bombs and stealth fighters this is no longer valid. So new transmitters are given a place based on technical, and I suppose environmental, aspects. Such as the new Swedish AM transmitter, when the scrapped the Horby transmitter and put the new at Solvesborg, right on the water front.
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Hermod Pedersen, Web Editor
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