RE: [HCDX]: Why QSL? - old reports
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RE: [HCDX]: Why QSL? - old reports

One of the many threads of this discussion has been sending
follow-ups to very old reports. I did a lot of this in the
late 1980s and early 1990s, QSLing stations five, ten, and
even 20 years after I heard. One two occasions, long
inactive stations reactivated their SW frequencies within a
year of receiving (and QSLing) my ten year old report. One
was Ondas Musicales in the Dominican Republic and I know
there was one more, but I'd have to look through the QSLs
to remember who. I certainly don't know that my reports
caused these stations to reactivate, but who knows?
Interesting coincidence, at the least. And, we can
certainly use anything that brings back old stations.

Another similar situation happened in 1988. Early in 1988
while looking through my pennants I noticed my 1978 15th
anniversary pennant from Radio Guatapuri, Colombia 4815
kHz. They had celebrated 15 years in August 1978 (I'm not
going to look up the exact date), so obviously would have
25 years on that same date later in 1988. I wrote them a
nice letter suggesting they reactivate their SW frequency
for their 
25th anniversary and suggested that they write me before
hand of their plans so I could publicize it. I never heard
anything from them and forgot about it. However, that
August evening I received a phone call from Dave Valko
telling me that Radio Guatapuri had reactivated with some
sort of live celebration going on. I tuned in and there
they were - celebrating 25 years on the air. They hadn't
been on SW for around 5 or 6 years at that time and
haven't, to my knowledge, been back since. 

Anyway, whether you're asking for an overdue QSL or just
reminding a a long inactive station that they used to have
an international audience, you never know - you might just
cause a station to reactivate. 

Don Moore     mooredxer@xxxxxxxxx
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