Re: [HCDX]: Why QSL? (Paraguay story)
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Re: [HCDX]: Why QSL? (Paraguay story)

> and even his room will be locked. But I had completely
> different experiences 
> regarding QSLs. The friendly staff always signed the QSLs
> or PPCs. 

My experience at Radio Nacional de Paraguay was unusual.
Most of the time I have had no trouble getting someone to
sign the QSL - secretary, program director, announcer,
technician - but never the station janitor - I have some
standards, ;-) . The most disheartening non-QSL was at
Radio Nacional de Mendoza in Argentina. In two days I went
there three times and waited at least an hour for the
manager, but he never came and no one else would QSL my
report. At least Mendoza was a beautiful city to visit, but
I still don't have a QSL from there.

Don Moore     mooredxer@xxxxxxxxx
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