Re: [HCDX]: Fw: Update situation Bonaire 29/4/2000 1500 UTC
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Re: [HCDX]: Fw: Update situation Bonaire 29/4/2000 1500 UTC

 Since the accident our staff in Bonaire has worked around the clock to
 get the station back on the air. Two new generators have arrived for
 the energy supply of the transmitters and one small generator for the
 general electricity of the station. A new building has been
 constructed to host the new generators.

 We hope to start the generators for testing purposes this weekend. If
 these tests are succesfull the plan is to bring the station back on
 the air on the frequencies we could not (yet) transfer to other

I'm hearing RNW in Spanish and Dutch tonight on 6165 kHz between 0250 and 0333, which seems to indicate that they've got the new generators up and running, as promised.

I wish I had thought to check for Zambia's English channel on 6165 before tonight....
Ralph Brandi ralph@xxxxxxxxxx webmaster@xxxxxxxxx

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