[HCDX]: DX Listening Digest 00-61 May 5
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[HCDX]: DX Listening Digest 00-61 May 5

DX LISTENING DIGEST 00-61, May 5, 2000 edited by Glenn Hauser

{Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only provided
full credit be maintained at all stages. DXLD may not be reposted in
its entirety without permission}

THIS WEEK ON WORLD OF RADIO 1034: See topic summary at

** ARGENTINA. 29810.02 kHz - LSB - Cadena Cien (Cien = 100), B.A.,
Argentina 3 MAY 2000, 1610-1800* (sign off) - fair/good signal
(previously reported on 29810.2 with Radio Mitre) Frequent IDs and
jingles like "99.9 Cadena Cien". The station is listed in WRTH as FM
Cien, 99.9, Buenos Aires. Exact tuning is important for good
reproduction of music. There is already a clearly noticeable
distortion when you are tuned 10 Hz above or below the right
frequency. GOOD DX, (Karel Honzik, the Czech Republic, hard-core-dx
via DXLD)

** CANADA / VIETNAM. VOV relay via Sackville seemed back to normal UT
May 5 after several nights of fill music; Vietnamese talk at 0207
check on 9695; 0224 Viet lessons presented in English. Pause 0227:30
to 0230, then real English program starting with item attacking
criticism of Vietnam`s human rights record. So was the execution a
factor or something else? 0353 recheck on 9795, English talk was
suffering some constant feed dropouts (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING

** CANADA. The call sign for that Camp X ham station this weekend is
VC3CX, not VE3CX as mentioned in WOR 1034. (Ivan Grishin, Oshawa, DX

** CANADA. My sounder "hunt" has determined that the new RCI sounder
is being slowly integrated into the day. Although the old sounder was
used as late as Thursday 0130 UTC in Spanish and 0155 in English
(heard it on SW), the new one was being used at 0400 in English and
on First Edition at 0500. (Ricky Leong, Quebec, May 4, DX LISTENING

** CANADA. Hello, This Saturday, May 6 we have a special edition of
Quirks and Quarks, the return of our ever popular Question Show. Ever
wondered why yawning is contagious? Or what would happen to gravity
if the Earth stopped spinning? What makes people left or right
handed? Why does newspaper ink come off on my hands - but I can wash
my windows clean with that same newspaper? And what would I see if I
could travel through space at the speed of light? Well, wonder no
more. Get all the answers to those and many more queries plus our
special feature, "Who Wants to Be a PhD?" That's Quirks & Quarks
Saturday right after the noon news, on Radio One. Bob Quirks and
Quarks 12:09 - 1:00pm on CBC Radio with host (Bob McDonald, CBC, DX

From this week with NS Kitchen no long Partying, we expect Q&Q to be
back on RCI Sat 2105 on 13650, 15325, 17820 et al.; as well as Sun
1205 on 17765 et al. (gh, WORLD OF RADIO 1034, DXLD)

** CONGO. Hi, Huge signal tonight from Brazzaville on 5985 kHz. I
just found out they have an English program, too (must be new): 5985
RTVC Brazzaville in F and E (1900-1915) with news, political
commentary, interviews and above all, great African music, 1815-2045,
excellent (S9+20), ID in E at 1913: ``this program is coming to you
from Brazzaville``. 73, (Enzio Gehrig, Spain, May 1, hard-core-dx via

** ECUADOR. HCJB has acquired some land for a possible new
transmitter site, not necessarily the final choice, but very good and
usable. It`s desert, just dirt and sand, on a peninsula, about 20
minutes east of the town of Salinas. The land in the middle of a
field has been marked off with HCJB signs, but not yet fenced. This
is a 12-hour drive from Quito, versus the present 35-45 minutes to
Pifo, so possibly an airstrip would be put in if the site is used.

The new airport project, which would require HCJB to shut down Pifo,
may be moving again, especially if the decision is taken out of the
hands of the mayors of Quito and Guayaquil. The present mountain site
has a high horizon, causing some problems in covering Brazil, and
other coverage is patchy preventing some lower angles. On the coast,
the horizon is flat all around, allowing better coverage. Pifo has
the advantage of direct access to HCJB`s hydro plant at Papallacta.
New site would be more dependent on national grid, and power would be
more expensive. (Doug Weaver, HCJB Frequency Manager, and now also
Acting Director of Engineering, interviewed on DX Partyline April 29,
notes by gh for DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ETHIOPIA. Have just received the latest schedule from The Voice
Of The Revolution Of Tigray along with a QSL. They are now on two
frequencies with 10 kW, 5500 and 7515. Monday to Friday 0400-0500,
0930-1030, 1500-1900. Saturday/Sunday 0400-0900, 1100-1630 (Ian
Cattermole, New Zealand, May 2, Cumbre DX via DXLD)

** HONDURAS. 4910, La Voz de la Mosquitia. Here is the latest on
this station, according to Randy Pelfrey, who is a missionary
working with the station: ``The license for the station is still
current but is not broadcasting at this time. Our plan is to
return to Honduras sometime in July of 2001. We plan on starting the
station with new facilities and equipment. We have been in contact
with several people in the States that are interested in being
involved with this process. We will have the station back on the air
as soon as possible after our return.`` (DIRECT Johnson Cumbre DX
Copyright Apr 28 via DXLD)

** ITALY. Rai, 0050 English to NAm on 6010, 11800, and still
announces 9675 but that has been nil for a few weeks now (Bob Thomas,

** KURSISTAN. Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan (Kurdish: era dangi kurdistana
iraqiya; Arabic: sawt kurdistan al-iraq, sawt al-hizb al-dimuqrati
al-kurdistani al-iraqi) broadcasts in support of the Kurdistan
Democratic Party (KDP) led by Mas'ud Barzani, from Salah al-Din in
Iraqi Kurdistan. The KDP says the radio station was established in
September 1963. A service to Europe was introduced on 27th April
1995. The KDP also operates Kurdistan Television, KTV, which
broadcasts on several VHF and UHF channels in Iraqi Kurdistan. This
schedule is based on monitoring observations. Frequencies and times
of broadcasts are subject to change. Broadcasts may be one hour LATER
in WINTER. UK Address: KDP Press Office, PO Box 7725, London SW1V
3ZD, UK. Tel: +44-20-7498 2664 (UK).  Alt Tel : +871(or+873)
761610320 (Iraq). Fax: +44-20-7498 2531 (UK). Alt Fax: +871(or+873)
761610321 (Iraq). E-mail: kdppress@xxxxxxx
Web Site: http://www.kdp.pp.se/

0245-0300 Daily       SORANI KURDISH      4.085 9.495 91.5 93.3
0300-0400 Daily       ARABIC              4.085 9.495 91.5 93.3
0400-0500 Daily       SORANI KURDISH      4.085 9.495 91.5 93.3
1445-1630 Daily       SORANI KURDISH      4.085 9.495 91.5 93.3
1630-1730 Daily       ARABIC              4.085 9.495 91.5 93.3
© BBC Monitoring May 5 (condensed by gh for DXLD)

** KURDISTAN. Voice of the People of Kurdistan (Kurdish: ``aira dangi
gelli kurdistana``, Arabic: ``sawt sha'b kurdistan``) is the official
radio station of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) led by Jalal
Talabani. It broadcasts from Sulaymaniyah in Iraqi Kurdistan.
According to the radio's web site, it was established in 1979 under
the name "Voice of the Iraqi Revolution" and adopted the current name
in 1983. PUK web site: http://www.puk.org  E-mail: puk@xxxxxxx

0215-0600 Daily       MULTILINGUAL         1.206 4.060 6.995
                     (SORANI KURDISH/
1400-1900 Daily       MULTILINGUAL         1.206 4.060 6.995
                     (SORANI KURDISH/
1945-2045 Daily       SORANI KURDISH       1.206 4.060 6.995
© BBC Monitoring May 5 (condensed by gh for DXLD)

** MONACO. La frequenza d'onda media di 702 kHz, di Radio Montecarlo,
viene utilizzata durante la notte dalla RAI, in sostituzione della
frequenza di 846 kHz temporaneamente inagibile a causa della chiusura
del trasmettitore di Santa Palomba. A partire dalle 2200 UTC viene
ritrasmesso il "Notturno Italiano". (Franco Probi, Radio Incontro May
4 via DXLD)

** NETHERLANDS. Glenn, Re your question in DXLD 60, my technical
colleagues inform me that the generators we currently have (which are
hired) can run two 250kW transmitters at full power, and a third
transmitter at reduced power. They do not have as much generating
capacity as we had before. But this is only a temporary situation.
New generators have been ordered, which I'm told will increase the
generating capacity from 2.5MW before the fire to 4.5MW. I don't know
about the DRM tests: our first priority was to restore full programme
service to our listeners.

BTW perhaps you can clarify in the next DXLD that the comments I made
about Bonaire's status were made in response to a post by Joe Buch,
and I appended the usual disclaimer that the opinions are mine, not
necessarily those of Radio Netherlands. I have tried as far as
possible to separate personal opinion from information postings. For
the latter, when I am simply passing on information from RN, I do not
append the disclaimer. It's confusing, but necessary. 73, (Andy
Sennitt, [no disclaimer] May 3, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NETHERLANDS ANTILLES. Hello, Mr. Kool stated that the new
generators can serve *two* transmitters. The schedule on your website
shows for 9845 0130-0325 still Flevo while Bonaire operates 6165 and
15315; 9590 0430-0530 is listed as still Antigua with Bonaire on 6165
and 15565. But contrary in the 1100-1125 and 2030-2225 ranges Bonaire
is again showed to run all *three* transmitters. You can certainly
comprehend that I am rather confused... Kind regards, (Kai Ludwig,
Germany, to Andy Sennitt)

Kai, There are no more RN transmissions from Antigua. The 0430
English is indeed from Bonaire. I missed a couple of lines when
updating the schedule. We can operate three transmitters at Bonaire
simultaneously, but not all at full power. This could be 2 x 250 kW
and 1 x 100 kW or 3 x 200 kW. Those decisions are made locally in
Bonaire. We always list the power as 250 kW, even though it may be a
bit less. You would hardly notice the difference between 200 and 250
kW in the target area. When the new generators are installed in a few
weeks, we will have a generating capacity of 4.5 MW instead of 2.5
MW, so everything can be run safely at full power. Please don't be
confused. Leave that to the people who run the station :-) 73, (Andy
Sennitt to and via Kai Ludwig, DXLD)

** NETHERLANDS ANTILLES [non]. Glenn, Regarding your comment about
pre-echo on RVI 15565, although Bonaire did return to the air at 2130
UTC on 29 April, it was operating only on those frequencies which had
not been moved elsewhere - precisely to avoid the situation you
describe! Those were the frequencies temporarily in red on our Web
schedule. I have a copy of the operating schedule followed by
Bonaire, and the RVI transmission was not on it. So we plead not
guilty :-) 73, (Andy Sennitt, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. El radioaficionado colombiano José Soto - (HK2-IWI) desde
Barrancas, reporta haber captado el 08/04/00 en la frecuencia de los
7.040 KHz a Radio Costa Azul a las 23:30 UTC con un programa de
Cumbia Peruana, desconociendose la localidad desde donde emite.
(Cadena Dx. YV2-FSW). El 19/04/00 a las 23:15 UTC pude sintonizar a
la emisora mas no identificarla debido a interferencias de
radioaficionados y ruidos estáticos, cerrando a las 00:35 UTC con el
himno nacional del Peru. (Santiago San Gil, Venezuela). En el boletín
Conexión Digital de Argentina No. 49 del 02/04/00, Rafael Orlando
Rodríguez R. en Colombia, reporta que en la frecuencia 7.040,3 KHz ha
captado varias emisoras peruanas - como: Radio San Ignacio, Radio
Melodía y últimamente Estación J Doble C de Huacabamba perteneciente
a César Colunche Bustamante. ¿Sera Radio Costa Azul una nueva
adquisición de este señor? (Editor, Banda Tropical, CDXA Mayo via

** RUSSIA. GTRK "Murman" (Murmansk) has been broadcasting on 5930 kHz
for many years, with a very poor signal here in Europe. But now it
can be heard twice a week with good reception with a relay of their
``Radiostantsiya Atlantika`` programme for seafarers, on Tuesday and
Friday at 0810-0900 on 4429, 6510, 17266 kHz, all upper sideband
mode. (per Irkutsk DX Circle).
http://www.irkutsk.com/radio/russia.htm A good-quality clip of this
can be heard on the Interval Signals Archive at
http://www.intervalsignals.com What you'll hear is: 1. GTRK Murman
interval signal 2. Time check 3. Radiostansiya Atlantika interval
signal 4. Programme intro. Regards, (Dave Kernick, hard-core-dx May 3
via DXLD)

** RUSSIA. Radio 1 longwave to close on 10th May

Russia's old station Radio 1 has been allowed to stay on the air on
longwave until 10th May and to complete the broadcasting of its
Victory Day festive programmes, Voice of Russia's "DX Club" reported.
On 11th May, the station will go into receivership as bankruptcy
procedures will be launched. However, the authorities have allowed
the station to continue broadcasting on VHF (66-73 MHz). This means
that Radio 1 will still be able to reach listeners in Moscow and
Moscow Region and that the team of the radio journalists will be able
to keep their jobs, the report added. Source: Voice of Russia web
site, Moscow, in Russian 3 May 00 (BBC Monitoring via DXLD)

WRTH lists a number of transmitters on 171 kHz, none actually as
Moscow, but Elektrostal (what a name) is in the Moscow Region. Plus
some more on 234 and 252 kHz. Evidently the entire network will be
closing on LW; will some other stations grab up the frequencies? Re
171 see also UKRAINE below (gh, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SYRIA. I heard R. Damascus, English at 2000 on 12085 but not 13610
(Bob Thomas, CT, April 27, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TAIWAN. What`s going on with R. Taibei International? Their
website http://www.cbs.org/tw/english would not work when checked
May 3 and 5, and I hear that their E-mail does not get through either

** U K. Starting UT May 5, BBC WS has a redesigned website
http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice which initially seems easier to
navigate; a particular ``Europe and World Service 2 Online``
programme schedule, all times GMT!!! is now associated with one audio
stream, tho it shows the whole week, Saturday through Thursday being
somewhat obsolete when viewed on Friday (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING

** U K. Further to your report on this ``new`` station [Flat Earth
Radio] it appears that a large part of this is a relay of Virgin
Radio's Saturday afternoon domestic broadcasting. The first part is a
phone-in with former England Coach Terry Venables, the second part is
live football score updates interspersed with Rock music (I've a
feeling you'd Love this show Glenn!). If you're interested in English
& Scottish football then it's a far better way of keeping up to date
than the dreadful BBC. (Nicholas Mead, UK, May 3, DX LISTENING

** U K. To close a chapter in radio history, here is the text of the
last message broadcast by Portishead Radio:

``CQ de GKB2/4/5/6. This is the last broadcast from Portishead Radio.
For 81 years we have served the maritime community. We say thank you
to all those who have supported and used our station. We pay tribute
to Marconi who made it all possible. His first transmissions were
made near here, and so started the radio era. We are proud to have
been part of that era. As this historic time in the commercial
messaging world comes to a close, the Manager and Radio Officers wish
you farewell from Portishead Radio. GKB AR VA``. (Radio Society of
Great Britain GB2RS News, posted May 4, via John Norfolk, OKCOK,

** UKRAINE. Regarding the Lviv-Krasne site, not only the shortwave
transmitter is silent but also co-located longwave 171, leaving
Sasnovy/Belarus with Radio Odin in the clear, so indeed the power
supply company has evidently pulled the plug. (Kai Ludwig, Germany,

** U S A. A heartfelt Open Letter to the Director of VOA, by a Czech
editor about to lose his job, may be read at
http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/voaltr.txt (World of Radio
1034, DX LISTENING DIGEST)                               ###

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