[HCDX]: Some DX-Loggings
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[HCDX]: Some DX-Loggings

Hello everywhere,

this weekend I was active again on the tropical bands in the hope to be able
to catch some LA stations with special program on Mothers Day. Some stations
came in, the more usual ones from Perú and Bolivia, however the signals on
the lower frequencies were disturbed by a high noise level.

Radio Mallku from Bolivia seems to be a regular guest now. This station
produced the strongest signal of the Bolivians. The new Radio Yura came in
on May 12th only. One day later I couldn't observe this station any more. I
think, we have still to wait for enjoyable LA-DX until the ionospheric
conditions calm down again.


4716.8  R Yura, May 12, 2350-2400, Spanish, Andean music, ID.  SINPO  24222

4732.3  R La Palabra (presumed), Santa Ana de Yacuma, May 13, 2305-2315,
Spanish, comunicados.  SINPO  23222

4796.4  R Mallku, Uyuni, May 13, 2345-2355, Quéchua, Andean music, romantic
songs.  SINPO  34323

4855  R Centenario La Nueva, May 13, 2255-2303, Spanish, advertisement,
jingle with ID, sudden sign off at 2303.  SINPO  33323

4926.6  R San Miguel, Riberalta, May 13, 2325-2340, Spanish, news magazine
with political information, ID.  SINPO  33322

6105.5  R Panamericana, La Paz, May 12, 2320-2330, Spanish, interview with a
Bolivian singer, advertisement.  SINPO  33323


4747.3  R Huanta 2000, May 12, 2300-23100, Spanish, huayno music.  SINPO

4855.5  R La Hora, Cusco, May 13, 2340-2345, Spanish, LA-pop, ID. SINPO

5025  R Quillabamba, May 12, 2245-2255, Spanish, comunicados, Cusco often
mentioned, ID.  SINPO  24222

6956.7  La Voz del Campesino, Huarmaca, May 12, 2310-2320, Spanish, Andean
music, ID.  SINPO  24322

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer
Receiver: JRC NRD-525
Antenna: 25m longwire & DX-One Professional
Location: Hassfurt, Germany

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