Re: [HCDX]: Some DX-Loggings
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Re: [HCDX]: Some DX-Loggings
>4716.8 R Yura, May 12, 2350-2400, Spanish, Andean music, ID. SINPO 24222
>4732.3 R La Palabra (presumed), Santa Ana de Yacuma, May 13, 2305-2315,
>Spanish, comunicados. SINPO 23222
>4796.4 R Mallku, Uyuni, May 13, 2345-2355, Quéchua, Andean music, romantic
>songs. SINPO 34323
>4855 R Centenario La Nueva, May 13, 2255-2303, Spanish, advertisement,
>jingle with ID, sudden sign off at 2303. SINPO 33323
>4926.6 R San Miguel, Riberalta, May 13, 2325-2340, Spanish, news magazine
>with political information, ID. SINPO 33322
>6105.5 R Panamericana, La Paz, May 12, 2320-2330, Spanish, interview with a
>Bolivian singer, advertisement. SINPO 33323
On 14th May at 2300 UTC:
I heard also Radio Eco San Borja on 4702.25 Khz, station director is Carlos
Espinosa Cortez, also ower of the Eco station Reyes, of wich some years ago
I received a very nice QSL card.
Has anyone received a QSL from Mr Cortez for a report about the Eco station
in san Borja recently?
Ruud Vos
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