Re: [HCDX]: Brazilian on 4905 kHz
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Re: [HCDX]: Brazilian on 4905 kHz


Thanks to everybody for the details. What Samuel wrote explains why I heard
mentioned "Salvador da Bahia" and several times also "Bahia". 

However it is a little bit amazing that the 1 kW station is heard here
better than other more powerfull Brazilians from the area(e.g. Anhanguera
from Goiania on 4915 kHz has according to the ILG list 25 kW). Karel and
Denio received it also at times when at least the last signal's touch of
the ionosphere was in the daylight zone.



At 01:45 14.05.00 -0300, you wrote:
>4905 Rádio Anhanguera from Araguaina in Tocantins state, broadcast
>after 0300 UTC  the "ForroSat" net. This program is produced in Salvador BA,
>some stations in Brazil relay that program.
>> > Hello,
>> > I heard almost daily a brazilian station on 4905 kHz even after 0430
>> > There was no clear ID, once mentioned Goiania another time even
>> > da Bahia", some time announcements. According to some frequency lists
>> > R. Relogio and R. Anhanguera close earlier than 0430. I presume it is
>> > Anhanguera but perheaps somebody knows it exactly.
>> > 73s
>> > Erich Bergmann
>> > Ansbach, Germany
>> Hi Erich,
>> according to my notes, the station on 4905.1 kHz is Radio Anhanguera,
>> Araguaiana relaying "FM Araguaia 99.7" (same owner). Heard here also after
>> 0600 UTC...
>> Karel Honzik,
>> the Czech Republic
>> ************************
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