Re: [HCDX]: Radio Odin
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Re: [HCDX]: Radio Odin

> > Following the discussions about the 171 kHz, I was wondering how far
> > Lviv and Sasnovy are.  But I couldn't find Sasnovy in any of my Atlases.
> > Can somebody tell me where Sasnovy is located ?
> > Guido.

> To me more exact, between the cities Minsk en Gomel.
> Rene van Hoof

Hi -
according to my (Russian) atlas there are two small towns (villages) in this
area of Belorussia:
- 80 km west of Gomel: Sosnoviy Bor (Russian version of the name)
- further 80 km to the west: Sosny (Russian version of the name)
No Sasnovy found.
BTW: Russ. SOSNA = Engl. PINE.
Sosnovyi Bor = Pine Wood (Pine Forest)
Sosny = Pines

Karel Honzik,
the Czech Republic

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