Re: [HCDX]: Radio Slavyanka
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Re: [HCDX]: Radio Slavyanka
Only a month ago R. Slavyanka was heard twice daily
over R. Mayak. If I'm not mistaken, those were 7-min.
But recently an ironic thing happened: TWR took over
R. Slavyanka's time slots! I'd assume that R.
Slavyanka used Mayak for free or almost for free. So
Mayak simply chose to break a worthless contract and
instead carry dollar-paying TWR.
If R. Australia's people are somehow bitter about
what's happening with their SW facilities, imagine how
Russian military should feel!
I heard some rumors that R.Slavyanka has an AM
frequency in Moscow which they use from time to time,
without a set schedule. Broadcasting is supposedly
done from a military truck located within or very near
the city. Maybe Moscow DXers can update us regarding
To my best knowledge, R.Slavyanka has no SW
--- "Dr. Hansjoerg Biener"
<Hansjoerg.Biener@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> 1 Is Radio Slavyanka still on the air, or if not
> when did it leave.
> 2 Does anybody have a schedule and the target areas,
> if it is still on
> the air.
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