[HCDX] Numero Uno
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[HCDX] Numero Uno

Why this discussion about NU? I used to be an NUer, I may add, and if I recall 
correctly, so did Glenn Hauser. What a bunch of nice people. 

What is bad about chosing to offer 'membership' to a group of persons? I experienced this
as mostly a good thing, because you're pretty sure about the quality and correctness
of items. You avoid items of minor interest to most - NUers specialize in rarer DX,
especially tropical bands. 

I did not experience the 'closeness' of NU over the years. In fact, for almost 20
years, I regularly carried the most interesting items from them on my AWR DX-news 
for everybody to hear. And as one of the DSWCI editors, in ShortWaveNews as well as in
the electronic now-gone bulletin DX-Window. I am sure not many of you will acuse me of 
ever carrying a 'CLOSED CIRCLE' policy.

I can count on one hand the number of 'security' items I saw in the bulletin over the years, as 
I recall it. And then only entirely because another 'original source' had asked for security.

Yes, I was part of the group for a great many years, while being active. To the 
advantage of the DX community in general. 

But Paul, what kind of moral is it to be sore about stopping 'members' from sending out 
photocopies to you? Everyone in the group PAYS the costs and puts great effort in his 
contributions to the group.

And Glenn. Your contribution to the DX World is overwhelming. But also commercial,
as I understand it. I never was paid for my AWR DX-News. But why should the group
send you material to be used by you commercially. No offence, as not meant to be.

It is an illusion that NU has a lot of 'closed' items. Just 'sorted' items for experienced
DXers. Why this 'attack'?

73's Finn

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