[HCDX] unid signal on MW 579 kHz in Poland
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[HCDX] unid signal on MW 579 kHz in Poland


Could someone help me in identifying the signal which I hear here in Poland
every day on medium wave  for a recent couple of days, usually from about
08.00 until 12.00 UTC and sometimes later. I made the recording and posted
it on my website www.rybus.net
The signal is always the same, but usually on 576 kHz; today it was on 579
kHz. I recorded it Aug. 20, 2000 at 15.30 UTC. Is someone testing on MW in
Poland? Please drop me a line if you know something. Kris Rybus, Warsaw,
Poland. radiodx@xxxxxxxxxx

      !!! Najlepszy ZEWNETRZNY modem w Polsce !!! 
Modem ZyXEL Omni 56K za 272,95 zl http://www.promocja.kki.pl 

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