Re: [HCDX] Radio Rossii new program format
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Re: [HCDX] Radio Rossii new program format

According to the Radio Rossii information service this melody is not a
Radio Rossii official interval signal - this is "top of the hour melody"


Îò: Dave Kernick <intervalsignals@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Êîìó: hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Òåìà: Re: [HCDX] Radio Rossii new program format
Äàòà: 7 ñåíòÿáðÿ 2000 ã. 1:28

Mikhael Timofeyev wrote on 4th September:

>Radio Rossii new program format

> Russian main state broadcasting network called Radio Rossii has just
> changed its program format. One and the same program without any
> "time shifted versions" is on the air 24 hours a day starting on
> September 4th (there were five 20 hours a day Radio Rossii versions
> with s.on at 1700, 1900, 2100, 2300 and 0100 UTC in the summer - one
> hour later in the winter).

Radio Russia has also bucked the trend by adopting an interval signal, at a
time when so many broadcasters are dropping them.  This can be heard at the
top of every hour (except 2000, when the NA is played) and consists of the
first bar or so of the National Anthem played on a xylophone-type
instrument. A recording of this can be heard on the Interval Signals

Also new on the website is a clean and clear recording of a little-reported
European station, Radio Faroe Islands or "Utvarp Foroeya", signing on at
0700 with an interval signal and short announcement.

Dave Kernick

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