[HCDX] Weekly DX News
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[HCDX] Weekly DX News

Did some listening over the long holiday weekend.  Nothing outstanding this
week though.

LIBERIA  5100, R. Liberia, 2130-2204, Hi-life music, commentary by woman in
accented EG, hi-life music for about another minute, then another
commentary.  Woman tried talking over music many times later but was
ineffective as she wasn't turning down the music volume!!  Did get one TC
once.  Finally and ID "You're tuned to R. Liberia Int. ?? service of the
Liberian Communications Network.  The time is 10 o'clock...".  Into"An
Awareness" pgm.  Very nice at tune-in but signal got choppy towards the top
of the hour.  (Valko 24 Nov.)

CLANDESTINE  15320, V.O. Hope, *0426-0445, Open Carrier on at 0426,
instrumental music on 1 minute later, accented EG s/on ID announcements by
woman with freqs and sked and purpose of broadcasts.  Lively hi-life like
vocal music.  0430 man with ID and talk in Lang. with many mentions of
Sudan.  0435 woman with feature intro then talk by 2 men in EG and Lang.
sending greetings to friends in Sudan, and mentions of V.O. Hope.  Fair and
clear.  (Valko 25 Nov.)

ISRAEL  6973.1, Galei Zahal, Already coming in at 1945 with weak audio,
readable at 2005 with choral music, talk by man in Lang.  (Valko 25 Nov.)

CANADA  6310, RCI, 2335-2359*, Found RCI here in SP.  Undoubtedly Hodgsons
LA station.  (Valko 25 Nov.)

UKRAINE  15520, R. Ukraine Int., 1258, Man with sked, ID, address, e-mail
address and Web site, into filler music.  Fair.  No Bangladesh.  (Valko 26

ZANZIBAR  11734.09, R.Tanzania Zanzibar, *1459, After hearing this sign on
in Hawaii, decided to sit on this freq and see if it was audible back here
on the east coast.  Did indeed pop on with hi-life instrumental music.
Very brief children singing, then man announcer with presumed extended
newscast.  Got better by 1505, but then faded by 1520.  Never seems to have
an "official" sign-on, but just comes on with programming already in
progress.  Signal is very nice later in the day around 2000.  (Valko 26 Nov.)

Heard several Europirates including R. East Coast Holland, R. Marabunta,
Jolly Roger R. over the weekend.  Unfortunately none were strong enough to
ID although the operator of East Coast Holland said it was him I heard by
identifying an Eagles song I heard!!

Until next weekend, best of DX to one and all.       73's         Dave
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