[HCDX] The European NDB Handbook / CD - 2001 edition
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[HCDX] The European NDB Handbook / CD - 2001 edition




by Michael Oexner

Nondirectional beacons (NDBs) are still in good use today as aids for
aeronautical and maritime navigation. NDBs are lowpowered (50 W to 250
W) LW- or MW-transmitters feeding omnidirectional antennas resulting in
a relatively small coverage area under daylight conditions. They
transmit a callsign consisting of a few letters in slow Morse code,
followed by a short silence or a continuous dash, before the callsign
will be repeated.

During hours of darkness NDBs can be received over much longer
distances, allowing the reception of NDBs throughout Europe, Northern
Africa, and even over transatlantic paths (e. g. Canada). By monitoring
NDB transmissions interesting data can be collected regarding LF
propagation conditions. Thus NDBs are interesting for amateur radio
operators who want to be active in the 136 kHz portion of the radio


Now in its third year already, the new ENDBH 2001 will give you the most
up to date NDB information available. Its over 140 spiral-bound pages in
DIN A4 format contain data of more than 3600 active NDBs located
throughout Europe, the Northern African countries, and the Near and
Middle East. Many of the more frequently heard transatlantic NDBs have
been included, as well as NDBs operating from offshore installations
such as oil platforms. Moreover the handbook lists widely reported
unidentified beacons and irregular call signs which result from
so-called "negative keying". Many a NDB mystery may be solved with this
kind of information on hand.

The layout of the NDB data is well known from the previous editions:
part 1 (the reference list) shows the entries sorted by alphabetical
order of the call sign and lists the carrier frequency, the modulation
frequency, the authority or company taking care of the NDB, name and
location of the NDB, country in ITU code, geographical coordinates,
distance and Great Circle bearing. Part 2 of the handbook is sorted in
frequency order, and part 3 in country order. As a new feature the 2001
edition now includes a fourth part which lists NDBs that have been

As a special benefit to the users of this handbook, the distance and
Great Circle bearing are computed for the individual listener's

*Please* don't forget to specify the geographic coordinates of your
listening post when ordering (recommended format to be used:
degrees/minutes/seconds). Please let me know whether you prefer the
distance shown either in kilometers or in miles.

To give newcomers an easy start the handbook includes a table showing
those NDBs that are nearest to your location. And for those who are
unfamiliar with Morse code, a reference table is included.


This new CD contains all parts of the printed version of ENDBH 2001 in
the popular PDF file format. All you will need to read the data is to
install the Acrobat Reader software enclosed on the CD (in case you
don't have it already).

Having the NDB data available on your PC will allow you to easily search
for specific entries. And if you would still like a printed version of
the handbook, you can print it on your own now.

The CD contains some additional "bonus tracks" which I hope you'll
enjoy. This includes some NDB pictures and sounds plus software packages
to produce Great Circle maps and to calculate Great Circle distances and
bearings, respectively.

System requirements are a standard PC with CD-ROM drive and Microsoft
Windows 9x or Windows NT4.0 operating systems (it should also run on any
of the newer MS Windows operating systems).

*** Price ***

The price for the ENDBH 2001 and for the ENDBH CD 2001, respectively, is
DM 50.- / £20 / EURO 25 / US-$ 25 each. This includes postage and
packaging for European destinations. US customers have the choice of
surface mail delivery for US-$ 25 or airmail delivery for US-$ 35.

*** How to pay ***

If you prefer to use Eurocheques or IMOs you can make them payable to
the account number 100156926, BLZ 54850010, Sparkasse Landau.

If you want to avoid the high costs incurred by purchasing International
Money Orders or Eurocheques etc. you can always send your payment in the
form of Pound notes or Dollar bills. If you are using this method though
do be sure to take the usual precautions of concealing them well inside
your letter.

US customers can send standard US-$ checks.

*** Where to order ***

To get your copy please send your order and advance payment to the
following address: Michael Oexner, Hainfelder Str. 1, D-76835 Roschbach,

If you require more information about the publication and have access to
e-mail you can also contact me at the following e-mail address:

*** Delivery time ***

All handbooks and CDs will be produced individually, so a production
time of 2 weeks should be expected. Surface mail delivery to the US can
add another 8 to 10 days.

Good NDB DX!

Michael Oexner

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

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