[HCDX] Shortwave Radio Logs via Southern California
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[HCDX] Shortwave Radio Logs via Southern California
- To: "SHORTWAVES" <shortwaves@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <shortwavelistenersofamerica@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "SHORTWAVE DXING" <shortwavedxing@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "HARD CORE DX" <Hard-Core-DX@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <swarl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "SWL-BASICS" <thebasicsofshortwave@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "SWR-WORLDWIDE" <swr-worldwide@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "GLOBAL FORUM -MT" <gayle@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [HCDX] Shortwave Radio Logs via Southern California
- From: "Stewart Mackenzie" <wdx6aa@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2003 18:25:30 -0800
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- Reply-to: Stewart Mackenzie <wdx6aa@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Sender: hard-core-dx-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ASCENSION ISLAND BBCWS Relay 7.160 0642 GMT EE 333 March
28th YL with interviews on Nigerian Elections, YL with Network Africa
ID. MacKenzie-CA
GUINEA RTV Guineenne 7.125 0645 GMT FF 333 March 28th
YL and OM with interviews and some background music. MacKenzie-CA
JAPAN Radio Japan-NHK 9.835 0608 GMT EE 433 March 28th
OM with newscast-stock reports-Top Stories of the Hour and ID by OM at 0615
hrs. MacKenzie-CA
JAPAN Radio Tampa 9.595 0620 GMT JJ 433 March 28th OM
with rapid comments. MacKenzie-CA
NEW ZEALAND Radio New Zealand Intl 15.340 0650 GMT EE
333 March 27th YL with comments on the play "Hamlet".
TUNISIA RTV Tunisienne 7.190 0638 GMT AA 322 March 28th
OM with vocal music assisted by a YL. MacKenzie-CA
UNITED STATES WRMI 7.385 0633 GMT EE 433 March 28th
Christian Media Network ID by an OM. Then news items on Iraq.
Stewart H. MacKenzie, WDX6AA
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